CW’s The Game ‘The Negotiation Episode’ Review

CW’s The Game ‘The Negotiation Episode’ Review

cw's the game negotiation episode pic

On season 3 episode 10 of CW’s “The Game :The Negotiation Episode” Jason is upset because Kelly wants a million dollars out of the $50 million that Jason has in the bank from the divorce settlement. Derwin gets him to acknowledge that she could take half since that’s what she’s entitled to,and gets him to think that Kelly may indeed want him back. He also convinces him that he needs to try and fight for her like he did for Melanie.

Robin Givens makes her return to the show and is upset that Malik is sleeping around while they have a fake marriage because it’s ruining the whole image. She has to keep getting her publicists to clean up the mess and make it look nice. She convinces him that he needs to learn to be alone and to focus on himself so that he’ll stop messing around and save her image. Jason makes his valiant attempt to save his marriage by bribing Kelly with cars and money. He tears up their prenuptial agreement and transfers $5 million dollars over to her account, but she tells him it’s to late to try and make amends. “It’s over!” She says.

Melanie convinces Kelly that she should take time to rethink the divorce and give herself some time to make sure that’s what she really wants. However,when she goes back to Jason with their lawyers present to tell him that she’s transferred the $5 million back to his account,and that she just wants a seperation instead of a divorce,she finds out that he has made other not so good plans. He’s decided to go through with the divorce and to also seek full custody of their daughter, Britney. Malik invites a reporter over for an interview and makes the confession that Robin and him just got married for publicity,and that it’s fake. Then just when the show couldn’t get any better, it ends with a cliff hanger with Kelly stating that instead of the original $5 million she was asking for in the divorce settlement,she wants a whopping $30 million. Jason laughs,and wants to know how she could ever possibly get that much money. She then pulls out the “whole him taking steroids” card.It shows Him being shocked as hell,and then the ending credits roll.

My take: I jumped out of my chair at the end with that cliff hanger . It was awesome. They pull out all the stops with this show by creating so much drama,and just when you think there couldn’t be more drama. Bam ! They hit you with the knockout punch. I thought this episode was very entertaining with a great mixture of comedy and drama,and I get the feeling that they will definitely keep it up.

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