Ashanti ‘Good Good’ (2008) Music Video & Review

Ashanti ‘Good Good’ (2008) Music Video & Review

ashanti good good music pic

The sexy, female, r&b artist Ashanti is back with the third single off of her latest album, “The Declaration” which was released on June 3,2008,and is her fourth studio album. I think that the “Good Good”, single is very good and it features a cameo by rap / hip hop artists “Nelly” who plays her husband. The song is about her having everything her man needs so she doesn’t have to worry about him straying because she’s got that good-good.

I do like the lyrics to the song,and they kind of make me laugh because they do speak from a very very secure state of mind almost to the point of arrogance,but hey if you got that good-good. You got it. The video shows a more than usual sexy Ashanti that I’m not used to seeing from her. I always new she was sexy,but she reveals it alot more in this video. The song and the beat sounds really good with a light r&b / hip hop feel to it,and a nice good-good chorus. The song got as high as #30 on the Hot R&B/Hip Hop Songs chart. Ashanti is now with the legendary “Motown” Records label. She started out with the DEF JAM record label earlier on in her career.

Check out the “Good Good” video below.

Artist : Ashanti
Song : “Good Good”
Album : “The Declaration”
Release Date : June 3,2008
Label : Motown Records

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