Dollhouse ‘True Believer’ Episode Review

Dollhouse ‘True Believer’ Episode Review

dollhouse true believer episode image

Review : In “True Believer” the Dollhouse is hired to program Echo to be a believer in a heavily armed “Children of the Temple” cult that are residing in a compound,and led by a man named, Jonas Sparrow. The Dollhouse performs a surgery on Echo to implant cameras into her head so the ATF (Alcohol,Tobacco,& Firearms) agents can monitor what’s going on while she is inside.

She’s temporarily blinded by the surgery, so she’s sent in to be a blind woman wanting to join the cult. Eventually when ATF agents want to raid the compound with smoke, and eventually fire, Echo regains her sight,and fights back against the cult leader who wants them to stay inside and die. She is successful and gets everyone out before it’s to late.

My Take : Very good episode . I have seen better from this show, but it was still a very good episode.

Grade : B +

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TV Show : Dollhouse : True Believer – Episode 5, Season 1
Original Air Date : Friday March 13, 2009
Network : Fox Network

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