NBC Finally Canceled ‘Heroes’ TV Show

NBC Finally Canceled ‘Heroes’ TV Show

heroes image

NBC finally canceled “Heroes” TV show. According to “Entertainment Weekly,” NBC finally got on the bandwagon, and did what I could see coming for years. That’s right. They’ve canceled their used-to-be mega hit sci-fi show “Heroes.” Entertainment Weekly says that “Heroes” will definitely not be back for a fifth season. It only averaged 6.5 million viewers this past season.

Their last show aired on February 8,and it only brought in 4.4 million viewers. The show was never able to get back its huge ratings from its first season when it averaged a huge 14.5 million viewers. There has been talk that NBC may let the producers air a movie,which would allow them to close out the story,but there’s no definite plans for that to happen. My guess is,it probably won’t ever happen NBC is scheduled to announce its new fall lineup to its advertisers this coming Monday in New York.

I personally wanted to like “Heroes,” but it just seemed like they could never do anything really exciting with the show,and they should’ve been able to, given its premise. I just got very disappointed with the show,and apparently,so did a lot of their first season viewers as it lost over half its audience. Good riddance. You can read the story at “Entertainment Weekly” by Clicking Here.

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1 Response

  1. Heroes is the shit. says:

    You are terrible. I love heroes and I will never watch NBC again.

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