New Megan Fox ‘Jonah Hex’ Movie Delivered Good Action & Drama

New Megan Fox ‘Jonah Hex’ Movie Delivered Good Action & Drama

jonah hex movie poster image

New Megan Fox ‘Jonah Hex’ movie delivered good action & drama. Warner Bros. Pictures released their new action flick “Jonah Hex” in theaters this weekend. I just checked it out,and despite negative critic reviews, I thought the movie was pretty entertaining. Also, say what you will about Megan Fox,she will always be some great eye candy for these movies. I definitely liked seeing her in this flick. She also did a little gun shooting too. The movie stars: Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Michael Shannon,and Michael Fassbender.

“Jonah Hex” revolved around character Jonah Hex played by Josh Brolin. Jonah’s family gets killed by an evil terrorist criminal named Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich). From there on out, Jonah’s main goal, was to get revenge on Turnbull. However, he finds out that Turnbull was supposedly killed in a fire. So,now Jonah starts taking out his transgressions on other people until the U.S. military makes him aware that Turnbull is alive. The offer him a full pardon of the warrants that are out on him if he can track down Turnbull,and stop him from blowing up towns with his terrorist weapons.

Once Turnbull finds out that Jonah is own his tracks, he kidnaps the beautiful Lilah character (Megan Fox) as leverage over Jonah because he knows he cares for her. Turnbull’s plan works,and helps capture Jonah,but not for long. Jonah and Lilah eventually team up to help foil Turnbull’s evil plan of destruction with a great ending. The movie offered great action scenes including Jonah Hex taking out multiple men all by himself,gun-slinging,and a great drama-field ending.

I thought the movie’s story was pretty straight forward, not much to figure out,and didn’t last too long. The runtime was just under an hour and a half,which was perfect. It contained action,drama,and a little humor. Megan Fox got to help out in the end by shooting up a couple of people. She almost looked like an action star there for a little bit. Get your “Jonah Hex” movie tickets at Fandango by Clicking Here.

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Grade: B

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2 Responses

  1. Rosie says:

    Josh Brolin is the star of JONAH HEX, not Megan Fox.

  2. Dave says:

    You must like the most untalented actress.
    (Eye-candy) ? Than watch real porn.
    No-acting requires. (LOL).

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