New ‘Seven Psychopaths’ Movie Delivered Lots Of Violence,Drama & More

New ‘Seven Psychopaths’ Movie Delivered Lots Of Violence,Drama & More

New ‘Seven Psychopaths’ movie delivered lots of violence,drama & more. CBS Films released their new comedy/action flick “Seven Psychopaths” into theaters this weekend. I just watch it,and thought it was pretty bad. I fell asleep numerous as it pretty much dragged along. It did have its high points,but for the most part, I was utterly and completely bored by them film. It stars: Colin Farrell, Christopher Walken, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson, Abbie Cornish, Tom Waits, Olga Kurylenko,and Zeljko Ivanek.

In the flick, a psychopath named Charlie (Woody Harrelson) lost his dog Bonnie to character Billy,and from the little bit that I was a able to follow in this film, Charlie was very violent,and killed anyone who he suspected had anything to do with his missing dog,or anyone who stood in the way of finding his missing dog.

The movie also had a couple of other subplots going on,which made it very tedious to follow. One of the subplots was that two other killers would go around killing people who were also killers. Meanwhile, in the main plot, Charlie and his men hunted down and killed everyone who had a connection to his stolen dog until he found the dog.

There were moments where the film contained a lot of action,mostly towards the end. But again, as whole, I found the plotlines to be really boring and all over the place. I must have dosed off through half of the movie. It moved along at a slow,uninteresting pace. To sum it up. I just didn’t get it. I gave the movie a very bad D rating. Stay tuned. Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.

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