Big Brother 19 Josh Harassed Mark With Pots And Pans Ahead Of Today’s Live Eviction

Big Brother 19 Josh Harassed Mark With Pots And Pans Ahead Of Today’s Live Eviction

Alright guys. So, today has been quite an eventful day. Crazy Josh decided to turn up in the house earlier this morning on the Big Brother 19 live feeds! When we tuned in, it was between 10 am and 11 am Pacific time on the live feeds for those of you who would like to flashback to it.

Josh grabbed the pots and pans and started running around the house banging them together and singing! Then he would yell out things like I only have seven hours left in the house today and I want to bond with Mark. He and I are best friends. He of course said this in a sarcastic fashion since that couldn’t be further from the truth.

While Josh banged the pots and pans, Mark was talking with Jason in a separate room. Mark is pretty emotional and didn’t find any humor in it at all. He said this is harassment and things along those lines. Later, Cody joined Mark and Jason in the room. Cody doesn’t like Josh at all so he definitely didn’t have any problems bashing him. He said that Josh never does these things from a place of weakness. He always does it when he knows he’s staying.

Speaking of that, Cody and Jessica did find out about Paul’s blindside plan to vote out Ramses instead of Josh. It happened last night. So, it won’t be the shocking surprise to Jess that we had hoped for when the live eviction show airs tonight. Oh well.

We’re looking at the exact flashbacks now. At about 10:31am, Josh mentioned that he woke Mark up with pots and pans because he’s just in that type of mood today. Shortly after that at around 10:35am (give or take a minute), Josh grabbed the pots and pans again to go wake Mark up.

Later, Mark did get out of bed and Josh gave him some more pots and pans action accompanied with the words, “I want to bond with you! I only have seven hours left in the house! Again, this was all sarcastic as Josh knows he is actually staying. I think Mark does too.

Anyways, this is why we like that Josh is staying. He makes great TV and live feeds. We’re not sure if production will have enough time to get this in the Live Eviction show edit today, but they will definitely include it in Sunday’s episode.

One more thing. Josh also gave Elena the pots and pans treatment. He woke her up with them. I guess he figures them one and the same since they were a couple and were going to vote him out tonight. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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