Another Big Brother 19 Eviction Target Switch Happened Yesterday August 23rd

Another Big Brother 19 Eviction Target Switch Happened Yesterday August 23rd

Alright, so we previously reported that earlier in the week, Mark campaigned to Christmas and Josh about possibly keeping him this week. He had suggested to get out Alex because she’s a great competitor. They thought he made some great points and seemingly changed up their order of who they should go after next. Instead of going after Jason, they agreed to go after Alex in this next week.

Now, for some reason, that plan has been switched up yet again. They actually want to keep Alex to work for them and get rid of Jason next. Mark is definitely still the target to get evicted in tonight’s LIVE eviction show. Paul has certainly made sure of that.

At around 4:35 pm pacific time yesterday August 23rd, Christmas told Josh, “I’m still ready to evict Mark if there’s a tie from Alex and Jason flipping.” Josh told Christmas that he wants to win the next HOH so he can go after Alex and Jason. However, he’s not sure if it’s too early for that. This is when Christmas started suggesting that they could get Alex on their side if Jason is evicted. Christmas said she definitely wants to go after Jason. Then Matt and Alex in that order.

These two also had another early morning conversation today, August 24th. It started at around 12:40 am. They talked about how Jason should go before Matthew. Christmas said, “We need to get Jason out next so they can get Alex to join their side.” Josh said, “I want to work with Paul and Raven to get us farther in the game.”

However, right after that, he said he was worried about Matthew or Raven winning HOH because he doesn’t trust those two. Christmas said she wants to try to backdoor Jason. Josh said that he would prefer to just put Jason up from the jump. They ended their conversation by saying they hope that tonight’s vote actually does come down to a tie-breaker to make Matt mad enough to go after Jason and Alex if he wins HOH.

Additionally, there was also some more complaining about Raven that took place. At around 12:50 pm, Paul complained to Jason about Raven calling him fat and calling Alex her mother. Jason said he didn’t understand her either. Also, there was a moment where Paul said Raven is totally clueless because she apparently thinks her and Alex have a great relationship. But Paul said Alex absolutely hates Raven.

At around 3 pm, Alex, Jason and Paul talked more crap about Raven and Matthew. They said they didn’t like how they’re always hanging out in the HoH room or napping up there even though they have their own beds. Jason said, “Raven is getting a pass on things because no one wants to look insensitive while going after her.”

Next, they started to question if Raven is really as sick as she claims to be. Kevin said, “Raven doesn’t even know how to say arthritis but says she has it.” Jason said, “I’m going to punch her if she’s been lying about all this.”

So, Raven is continuing to annoy people and raise a lot of red flags with all of her wild stories and claims. They obviously believe the her about the pacemaker but all the other stuff is a bit much. At one point, Kevin pointed out that Raven claims she’s terminally ill. But in another moment, she talked about living until Kevin’s age which is around 55 or something. Then she’s mentioned that she has arthritis and a host of other things. It’s really raising suspicions.

Alright, so that was the most interesting things that happened yesterday. I know. It’s sad. Currently, we’re just praying that something good will happen after they get Mark out tonight. It looks like one of these remaining duos Alex and Matt or Alex and Jason might get broken up. If any of you are hoping someone will wake up and go after Paul. Sadly, I wouldn’t hold my breathe on that one. He’s done a pretty good job of misting everyone into thinking they need him. Again, it’s sad but very very true right now.

So, just to recap. Christmas is definitely prepared to get rid of Mark tonight if there’s some sort of tie-break vote. Whatever the case, it’s expected that Mark is getting evicted. Christmas and Josh have switched back their main plans to get Jason out next instead of Alex. They want Alex to join them.

Matt and Raven also want to target Alex and Jason if one of them wins HOH. The houseguests are getting more and more suspicious of Raven’s outrageous and long list of health claims. Hopefully, something will come to a head with that in the upcoming weeks to give us some sort of interesting footage. We’ll see.

Tonight’s LIve eviction show is scheduled to get started at 8 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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