New Big Brother 19 POV Ceremony Results Revealed Yesterday, September 4th

New Big Brother 19 POV Ceremony Results Revealed Yesterday, September 4th

Yesterday morning, September 4,2017, the Big Brother season 19 cast held their Power Of Veto ceremony for this week. As previously reported, Christmas is the current HOH and she nominated houseguests Jason and Alex. Paul won the Power of Veto and had come up with a change of plans for this ceremony.

His new change of plans did not bode well for giving us the drama that we were hoping for. They were designed to make Alex think that everything is still good and stay calm. Paul decided to use the veto to pull Alex off the block. Then Christmas nominated Kevin to go up in Alex’s place. So now, we have Jason and Kevin on the chopping block. Paul , Christmas and Josh’s real target is to evict Alex’s partner Jason this Thursday night.

They’re still making Alex believe that Kevin is their target with a backdoor plan to make sure she stays calm. Originally, they were planning to just leave Alex and Jason on the block during this meeting. But, Paul decided to go with this alternate strategy because he feels like they need to keep tricking Alex so she’ll keep throwing HOH’s to Paul’s crew. Or at the very least, not fight hard in the competitions.

We’re hearing from the Big Brother Network that Paul is even planning to split the votes this week to add even more of a disguise when they vote out Jason on Thursday night. Apparently, Paul plans to vote with Alex to get rid of Kevin while Josh and Raven vote to get rid of Jason. And Christmas will break the tie. This totally makes Paul look like the good guy to Alex while Christmas and Josh take all the heat.

Paul has convinced Christmas and Josh that this needs to happen this way so that Alex will still work with him next week and possibly throw the HOH to him. Then his supposed plan is to take the heat by nominating Alex to get her out. However, It’s possible that he might try to throw the HOH to Raven so she can put Raven on the block for him.

A few conversations took place after the POV ceremony. At around 12:10 pm pacific time, Kevin asked Paul, “What’s going on?” Paul said, “Don’t ask any questions.” Kevin said, “I’ll act calm.” Paul said, “Act nervous instead.”

At around 12:20 pm, Christmas and Josh had a conversation about what their strategy will be in regards to keeping Alex calm after Jason gets voted out. Josh said, “I’ll take the heat and go up on the Block.” At around 12:38 pm, Alex started bashing Kevin again to Jason and Josh. She said he played himself and that she’s not even going to need to ask anyone to vote him out. They really have her blinded right now.

At around 12:40 pm, Paul and Christmas talked about the next HOH comp. He said, “If Alex drops then I’ll drop next to throw it to Raven.” Christmas said, “I don’t trust Raven.” At around 1:35 pm, Josh told Paul, “I understand your plan fully now and appreciate you explaining it better to me. “

Paul told Josh and Christmas, “ I can convince Raven to throw the next HOH so I can win.” They agreed that if Alex somehow wins the next veto, they’ll just evict Raven instead. They agreed that their latest pecking order is Alex next. Then Raven followed by Kevin.

At around 1:50 pm, Paul said, “Alex will gun for the veto if she is nominated. So, we need to put up Raven and Kevin as pawns.” At around 1:50 pm, Alex told Kevin, “You have a rash on your back.” Kevin said, “I’ll go put a shirt on.” Afterwards, Alex started laughing about it saying she was trolling Kevin.

At around 3:50 pm, Raven told the cams, “ I look forward to Jason getting evicted. It was my idea to throw this last HoH comp to Christmas. I need to get to final two because I need a new pacemaker and have a lot of bills waiting for me when I get out.”

At around 5:31 pm, Alex started up complaining about Kevin to Josh again. She said, “He’s being creepy and annoying. He’s trying to listen in on conversations.” At around 6:10 pm, Christmas told Josh, “If Paul gets to final two, he will have a huge burden on him because he’s a vet and that’s a big negative. People will not want to see a vet win.”

At around 6:15 pm, Christmas told Josh, “ My game has been perfect and yours has been great because you called people out, but that could be a bad thing for you too. I’m worried people may think I rode coattails.” Christmas also said she thinks their trio alliance will take the first and second place spots along with America’s Favorite Player.

At around 7:26 pm, Christmas revealed another lie that Raven told. Apparently, Raven said she’s a great Chess player but when they were playing, she didn’t even know what some of the pieces could do. Ha! Ha! Christmas said, “Raven is pathological liar.” She also said, “Matt must have known that Raven was a liar and felt sorry for her insecurities.”

At around 9:25 pm, Christmas and Paul engaged in another one of their Raven bashing sessions. Christmas told him Raven lied about being able to play Chess. Paul said, “Raven is making me miserable. She is eating my soul.” Ha! Ha!

At around 12:15 am today, September 5,2017, Josh told Christmas, “I cried when Jason talked to me about Kevin going home this week.” Christmas said, “I’ll take the blame for Jason, but Jason hasn’t asked you for a vote yet.”

At around 12:25 am, Christmas told Paul, “Josh is upset about Jason leaving.” Paul said, “We need to watch Josh for the next few days.” At around 1 am, Paul , Alex and Christmas did some more Raven bashing. This time, they talked about how she couldn’t even answer basic questions about her dancing studio business. She couldn’t tell them how it’s operated or what’s going on with it now. They also contemplated whether or not Matt will ditch her outside the house.

They also went over some more contradictions Raven has made in regards to her disease. She said she can’t eat red meat but is constantly seen eating ground beef. They also said there was a time where she claimed five million people have her disease. Then the next time, she claimed only two people have it. Ha! Ha!

At around 1:45 am, Alex told Paul, “If I win HOH next, I will put up Josh and Raven but target Raven.” At around 2 am, Josh told Paul, “Alex will go nuts when Jason is evicted.” Paul said, “I’ll take care of it.”

Paul told Josh, “ If I get HOH, I will put up Raven and Kevin. So, Raven will have to try and win something for a change.” At around 2:10 am, Paul told Josh that he wanted to win this next HOH and that he (Josh) should go for the final 4 HOH.

Alright, that pretty much wraps up most of the conversations that took place yesterday after the POV ceremony. Just to recap, Paul did use the veto to pull Alex off the chopping block. Then the current HOH Christmas nominated Kevin in Alex’s place. So now, Jason and Kevin are up for eviction this week. They are the final nominations. So, one of them will definitely leave the house this Thursday night.

The big plan is to blindside Jason and send him packing. If everything goes according to plan, Jason is the one we should expect to see get evicted this Thursday night. We’ll keep watching these conversations to see if anything changes between now and Thursday. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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