New Big Brother Season 20 Cast Officially Revealed Today By CBS

Happy Monday fellow Big Brother fans. As promised, CBS did indeed officially reveal the houseguests that will be participating in the upcoming 20th season of Big Brother! We’ve got all the info on each of them along with a face thumbnail photo for them which you can see (above).
Alright, so were just going to get right into this description of each of the houseguests. We’re going to start describing each houseguest from the very top row in the photo (above) and work our way down from left to right for each row. So, with no further ado, let’s do this.
Top row (from left to right): 24 year old Kaitlyn Herman from Plainview, New York. She currently resides in Encino, California. Her occupation is a “Life Coach.” Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Victor Arroyo from season 18.
She said she thinks the most difficult thing about being in the Big Brother house is: “Not having my crystals, essential oils, yoga mat, books or my journal. I have my daily rituals for self-love and I will have to come up with new ways to make time for myself.”
21 year old Haleigh Broucher from Village Mills, Texas. She currently resides in College Station, Texas. Her occupation is “College Student.” She describes herself as: classic, cautious and contagious. Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Derrick Levasseur from season 16. She said her strategy is: “I plan on using my school major, psychology to analyze and deceive the houseguests. I plan on feeling out the houseguests first, then pinpointing what makes them tick and rolling with it.”
26 year old Angela Rummans from Hilton Head, South Carolina. She currently resides in Playa Vista, California. Her occupation is “Fitness Model.” She describes herself as: spontaneous, scheming and headstrong.
Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Rachel Reilly from seasons 12 and 13. She thinks the most difficult of living in the Big Brother house is: “Lack of social media, not being able to talk to my mama and having to release my roster of boy toys in L.A.”
23 year old Tyler Crispen from Rossford, Ohio. He currently resides in Hilton Head, South Carolina. His occupation is “Lifeguard.” His life’s motto is, “Do whatever the hell you want.”
His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Victor Arroyo from season 18.
He thinks the most difficult part of living in the Big Brother house is: “Getting people to believe anything I say. When I’m lying, people think I’m telling the truth, but when I’m telling the truth people think I’m lying.”
(Second row from left to right): 29 year old Rachel Swindler from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her occupation is “Vegas Entertainer.” She describes herself as: sarcastic, loyal and passionate.
Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Britney Haynes from season 12 and 14. She said, “Britney Haynes because she’s hilarious! She had great balance between her social and physical game.”
34 year old Angie “Rockstar” Lantry from Columbia, Maryland. She currently resides in Columbia, Maryland. Her occupation is “Stay-at-home mom.” She describes herself as: eclectic, entertaining and magical. Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Joey Van Peltfrom season 16. She also liked Frankie Grande from season 16.
28 year old Winston Hines from Somerset, Kentucky. He currently resides in Bowling Green, Kentucky. His occupation is “Medical Sales Rep.” His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “To use my interpersonal skills to gain trust from key individuals identified early. But unlike Cody from last year, you cannot come in and split the house too early. It’s a waiting game.” His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Paul Abrahamian from seasons 18 and 19
27 year old Sam Bledsoe from Stuarts Draft, Virginia. She currently resides in Stuarts Draft, Virginia. Her occupation is “Welder.” She said she used to be “a hairstylist before becoming a welder fabricator. I catch critters like snakes and racoons with my bare hands.” Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Daniele Donato. She said Daniele is “a smart girl who happens to be pretty. Not a pretty girl who happens to be smart.”
(Third Rowfrom left to right): 25 year old Bayleigh Dayton from Lee Summit, Missouri. She currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Her occupation is “Flight Attendant.” Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Donny Thompson from season 16.
She said her strategy for winning Big Brother is:”I want to be “Miss Congeniality” and not be fake or too nice. I want to stay clear of the drama and let the bombs self-destruct. But I also want everyone to fear me just a little. My dad always said that defense wins games, so let’s just say my D is going to be full coverage.”
40 year old Steve Arienta from Parsippany, New Jersey. He currently resides in Wanaque, New Jersey. His occupation is “Former undercover cop.” He describes himself as: stubborn, competitive and funny. His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Mike “boogie” Malin from season 2, season 7-Allstars and season 14.
He said his strategy for winning Big Brother is, “Nothing. Anyone that goes into the game with a set strategy is set for failure. It’s hard to create one without knowing the players involved.”
26 year old Scottie Salton from Shorewood, Illinois. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. His occupation is “Shipping Manager.”His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Evel Dick Donato from season 8. Scottie said of Evel Dick, “I like players who can win comps and put their personality into their strategy. I also like players who can back up their talk. He was genuinely himself and I respect that.”
Scottie also says he’s a 26 year old virgin that’s never even been kissed before! His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “I want to knock out the floaters and butterflies first.”
23 year old Chris “Swaggy C” Williams from Bridgeport, Connecticut. He currently resides in Bridgeport, Connecticut. His occupation is “Day Trader.” He said he has a photographic memory. His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Paul Abrahamian from seasons 18 and 19.
Chris said, Paul “got robbed of a million dollars. He is a top five Big Brother player of all time, and he didn’t even win. He’s better than every single winner over the last 12 years aside from Derrick, Evel Dick, Dan and Rachel, and I didn’t even like Derrick’s game.”
(Bottom row from left to right): 28 year old JC Monduix from Miami, Florida. He currently resides in West Hollywood, California. His occupation is “Professional Dancer.” His favorite Big Brother player is Josh Martinez from season 19.
JC said of Josh, “He represents the kind of people I grew up with. Made me feel at home. I’m glad he won.” His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “I am going to be the sweetest small guy that everyone would want to hug and kiss.”
26 year old Faysal Shafaat from Orlando, Florida. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida. His occupation is “Substitute Teacher.” His favorite Big Brother player is Victor Arroyo from season 18. His strategy for winning Big Brother is: “Finding a loyal person or two, use my social game and let my physical gameplay show at the end more than the beginning. Don’t let the other houseguests know I’m a powerhouse from day one.”
25 year old Brett Robinson from Oakdale, Connecticut. He currently resides in Charlestown, Massachussets. His occupation is “Cyber security engineer.” He said he hacks into his friend’s computers for fun. His favorite Big Brother houseguest is Derrick Levasseur from season 16.
Brett said his strategy for winning Big Brother is: “I plan to go in and establish a minor amount of control initially. Then immediately pull back from the spotlight. From there, I will rotate face time with every single person in the house. It will have to be handled tastefully. I also plan to lie about my career occupation and life. I want people to think I am just a dumb surfer, model guy. Then I will slowly plant my seeds of stories throughout the entire house causing chain reactions that I will have to dynamically calculate on the fly.”
30 year old Kaycee Clark from San Diego, California. She currently resides in Temple, Arizona. Her occupation is “Pro Football Player.” Her favorite Big Brother houseguest is Cody Nickson from season 19.
Kaycee said of Cody, “I liked Cody just because he was so different and such a bada#$. He went against the grain when everyone else in the house wanted to follow Paul because he was a previous castmember. Cody was a competition beast. The only thing I would say he could have had a better social game.”
Alright guys. There you have it. We’ve got 16 all-new houseguests for season 20. So, it looks like that rumor of possible former houseguests entering the house might not be true after all. We certainly hope it’s not. We’ll have to wait until premiere night to be absolutely sure.
Speaking of premiere night, it’s still scheduled to land on Wednesday night, June 27, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. It’s going to be a huge two-hour premiere.
Hopefully, some new details for this year’s theme will pop up anytime now. We’ll definitely let you guys know if we hear anything. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.