New Big Brother Season 20 Major, New Game Changing Twist Revealed August 3, 2018

New Big Brother Season 20 Major, New Game Changing Twist Revealed August 3, 2018

Happy Friday “Big Brother” fans. We’ve got a new, major report to share with you guys that could change the whole look of the Big Brother season 20 game. It turns out that production has found yet another way to mix things up via a brand new twist called the “Hacker Comp.” Apparently, it’s going to replace the previous Power App twist that just recently ended.

This Hacker Comp twist has some similarities to the Power app powers. However, with this one, the houseguests will actually compete in a special comp to obtain it rather than the fans voting on them being the most trending.

The winner of this “Hacker Comp” is supposed to get a chance to change the nominations and also pick the Power Of Veto players. All the details haven’t been explained yet. These are just some of the details we were able to get from the houseguests talking about it on the live feeds last night.

We’ll probably find out more about it on this Sunday night’s episode. We’ll have to wait and see. What do you guys think of this new Hacker comp twist so far based on the current intel? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

In related Big Brother season 20 news, as most of you all know, Angela won the latest Head Of Household competition, and some very interesting conversations went on last night especially about the vote flips. As you can imagine, the Foutte alliance made up of Haleigh, Faysal, Bayleigh, Angie “Rockstar” and sometimes Scottie were pretty upset about the vote flipping against them yet another week.

Things got so bad that Haleigh, Bayleigh and Faysal started thinking that maybe Angie Rockstar has a secret alliance with Brett,and that she’s flipping the votes. At one point, Angie had to sit them both Haleigh and Bayleigh down and plead with them to believe that she is not in this crazy,secret alliance with Brett.

What’s amazing is not one of them can imagine that maybe Tyler flipped. I mean it’s almost like Bayleigh has become Tyler’s new Kaitlyn. She’s talking to him all the time, and she seems to believe everything he tells her. She thinks she has some sort of secret alliance with him. It’s just very sad to watch.

Meanwhile, we’ve seen a lot of Tyler and his real alliance: Angela, Kaycee and Brett just laughing up a storm about what they’re going to do next to screw over the Foutte alliance. They were also laughing about how the Foutte alliance is so scattered right now and not cohesive in any way.

There was a moment on the live feeds where Haliegh had to swear up and down to Faysal that she is not the one that’s been flipping these votes week after week. He kept telling her,”I’m going to look so stupid if it has really been you this whole time.” He was referring to saving her with the POV and just working with her in general.

Before the night was through, Faysal just had to believe Haleigh because what else is he gonna do? It’s not like he can find irrefutable prove that she didn’t flip. Anyways, Faysal has guessed right about Haleigh because she isn’t the one who flipped. I just wish one of them could see that Tyler is the one sabotaging them, but I fear they never will. If they ever do, it’ll probably be too late.

As far as the eviction nomination talks go, Angela was seen talking to JC about her possible nominations. JC was trying to get her to go after Bayleigh, but Angela revealed that she had different plans in mind. Apparently, she wants to target Scottie.

If he somehow comes down through Hacker comp, she wants to put Faysal up as a replacement nominee. Then if Faysal should happen to win the Power Of Veto, she wants to replace him with Bayleigh. Angela tried to tell JC, “I think Scottie is a threat to me.” JC said, “Scottie is not coming after you.”

Afterwards, Angela was seen telling Kaycee, “I hope Scottie pulls himself off so I can backdoor Bayleigh.” Kaycee was surprised to hear this. Angela said, “I think Bayleigh is the brains behind the other side of the house.” Ugh, she couldn’t be more wrong because Bayleigh actually trusts Tyler. This is just a mess.

Also, the reason Angela thinks Scottie is such a threat to her game is because she heard that Scottie told Tyler and Brett that his targets were Angela and Rachel. At one point, JC tried to pitch to Angela to nominate Haleigh and Angie Rockstar to make sure Angie goes to jury.

At around 10:44 pm pacific time yesterday night, August 2,2018, Sam tried to pitch to everyone that they should let her win the Hacker twist competition. Her logic was that she would agree not to use it so they can all play the game as if the new twist didn’t exist. The houseguest agreed that they couldn’t muster up enough trust for that plan to ever work. That should’ve been the first thought in Sam’s crazy mind, but for some reason, she still thinks she can trust people in Big Brother.

Later in the night between 11 pm and 12 pm, Haleigh and Angie started playing the blame game again. Angie tried to accuse Haleigh of flipping the vote because she flirts with Brett sometimes and had a very long conversation with him the other night. Haleigh accused Angie of having a secret alliance with Brett.

At around 12:40 am pacific time today, August 3, 2018, Haleigh went to talk to Angela in her new HOH room. They had a good conversation. Angela told Haleigh she’ll be safe this week, and Haleigh told Angela she would never change up any of her nominations if she won veto or this silly Hacker comp. Angela told Haleigh that Brett can be a shield for them since he’s such a big target in the house.

At around 1 am, Faysal went to talk to Angela. He told her,” If you don’t put me up this week, I won’t put you up next week.” One of those kind of deals. You don’t nominate me, and I don’t nominate you. It was nice and simple for Faysal.

Next up was Scottie. He told Angela, “If I win the Hacker Comp, the only person I would take down would be myself. I would renom Angie Rockstar in my place.” Angela told Scottie, “If you go up, you will just be a pawn and not my target.”

At around 2 am, Angela was seen telling Kaycee she’s planning to target Angie Rockstar. At around 2:35 am, Angela told Tyler, Brett and Kaycee she was planning to nominate Scottie as a pawn. Then Bayleigh and Faysal are her replacement options after the Hacker comp and the Power of Veto comp.

So, it sounds like Angela and her remaining L6 alliance has this week all mapped out. Either Bayleigh, Faysal, Scottie or Angie Rockstar could be in some big trouble this week. I like Haleigh. She really worked her social game on the L6 side of the house to make sure no one over there wanted to nominate her.

Well before Angela won HOH, Haleigh was buddying up to Angela and becoming good friends with her. So, I think Haleigh’s doing a really good job with her social game. However, she will run into issues with Sam because Sam constantly talks crap behind Haleigh’s back no matter how much Haleigh goes out of her way to be nice to her. It appears that Sam is taking it as Haleigh being fake. So, it’s just one of those things where you can’t please everybody.

Anyways, there’s a lot of nomination stuff that will take place later on today with the addition of this Hacker comp. So, be sure to stay tuned for our huge report on that. As always, You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.

Another new episode of Big Brother season 20 will air this Sunday night, August 5, 2018 at 7 pm central standard time on CBS. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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