Grey’s Anatomy Teddy Altman Star Kim Raver Revealed New Details About The Teddy, Owen,Amelia Love Triangle

Grey’s Anatomy Teddy Altman Star Kim Raver Revealed New Details About The Teddy, Owen,Amelia Love Triangle

Happy Thursday, “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. We’ve got a new report for you guys in regards to Kim Raver’s Teddy Altman character and her upcoming love triangle with Amelia and Owen. Recently, Kim Raver gave a few, new details up to the folks over at Entertainment Tonight about what we can expect to see happen with this love triangle moving forward.

Warning: There may be possible spoiler teasers in this article. If you don’t want to see any spoiler teasers, I would suggest you stop reading this article right now. On the flip side, if you don’t care about spoiler teasers, please continue reading.

The first thing Kim revealed was that she really pitched hard for this love triangle to be different than the typical ones where the two women are pitted against each other. Instead, she wants Amelia and Teddy to be supportive of each other, and Kim thinks it’s headed in that direction.

She stated, “I was pitching it to the writers and to Krista Vernoff that maybe we could do the love triangle a little differently so that it’s not woman pitted against woman. I feel like that it’s headed in that direction. I feel like both Amelia and Teddy are really watching out for the other person and how can we navigate through this and where is Owen at? We’ll see how that goes, but that’s definitely the direction that I’d like to head into.”

Next, Kim revealed that she’s not sure how Owen and Amelia are going to handle the Teddy pregnancy news when they finally find out, but she hopes something rewarding and hopeful will come out of it.

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She stated when asked how Owen and Amelia would take the pregnancy news, “I have no idea how they are going to take the news. I know that Owen has always wanted kids. It’s blowing Teddy’s mind that all of a sudden she’s seeing this family and that’s not how he left Teddy. Again, it’s messy and complicated and juicy and difficult, but also rewarding and hopeful and definitely the feels.”

Kim also explained why Teddy hasn’t been so quick to let Owen know about the baby. She revealed that Teddy doesn’t want to be the cause of a break up or something of that nature. She explained, “That’s why Teddy doesn’t want to tell anyone because I don’t think she wants to break up anything if something is there. I don’t think she knows what is there but I think she’s treading super lightly and doesn’t want anyone to know.

Part of her is like, ‘I gotta get in and I gotta get out.’ I don’t think she realizes when she came here, what their relationship was going to be. I think it’s like stepping into a minefield and seeing where is the safest path to tread and how do we do that and keep everyone protected. I think that’s an interesting thing, that everyone is being mindful of one another.”

Kim revealed that we will indeed see Teddy totally deal with a lot of issues that come with being a single mother. She stated when asked if we’ll see Teddy’s whole pregnancy from beginning to end, “Yeah, you’re going to see Teddy deal with a lot of things. Dealing with what’s it going to be like thinking about motherhood. Is she going to be a single mother? Is she going to stay in Seattle and raise the kid? It’s definitely seeing how to manage becoming a mom and use her resources of using the Grey’s Anatomy family to figure it out.”

Kim also talked about the possibilities of how Teddy will feel about raising the baby on her own. She stated when asked if she thinks Teddy will be ok with raising the baby on her own, “That’s what’s really interesting. That’s a really modern view. Look, I think Teddy is capable of doing that. The question is do you want to be alone? No. Does Teddy want to be alone? No. Has she deeply loved Owen for a really long time because she’s had great loss in her life? Yes. Will she be fine in the end? Yes.

But what makes it so interesting is that we are searching for a relationship, but a modern concept is: We’re also fine on our own, and I think we’re actually better partners when we do become stronger alone. Maybe that is the journey. Maybe Teddy is gonna be alone. I don’t know. Maybe it is about her finding what her path is on to become a stronger person. A stronger mom.”

Kim also described the season 15 version of Teddy by saying she’s, “Tumultuous. Awestruck with becoming a mother. Searching. And I think definitely filled with love for her baby and Owen and for many reasons.”

Aside from the Teddy, Owen and Amelia love triangle stuff, Kim also described what it’s been like for her returning to Grey’s Anatomy as a full-time season regular after all the years she was gone. She definitely had great things to say. When asked about it, she told Entertainment Tonight, “It’s incredible. It feels to me like going away to college and coming back. You grow and evolve, and yet you come back to your family and it’s this incredibly loving family, and it really is.

The show evolves, but I feel like with Krista Vernoff, who’s so unbelievably talented. She’s distilled all of the essence of Grey’s Anatomy, and it’s so appropriate that in season 15, we have everything that makes Grey’s that thing that we all love about it. It’s the feels. Bring all the love back ,and it’s complicated and the love triangles. I am just so happy. I am thrilled to be back.”

Lastly, Kim touched on why the love stories that Grey’s Anatomy presents are so captivating to watch. She definitely had a lot to say and seemed to have a real good handle on the way Shonda Rhimes writes them. She explained, “Because I think that they’re complicated. Most love stories usually are. I don’t know if it’s a saccharine version, but I feel like creator Shonda Rhimes always set up a very raw, real, messy, ugly but yet hot and sexy romance.

And I think that raw realness is what people relate to. But there’s also humor to it. So, I think that makes it different and it makes it different that all the characters are super flawed. Yet they also have their heroic moment. You’re never just one thing ,and I think that’s relatable to people. Usually, love in other places when you’re watching is this unattainable thing, whereas because Shonda and Krista have always made it very real, it makes it relatable. And there is hope in it. When you see McSteamy and McDreamy, there’s like, Gasps. I want that! It’s definitely a thing that you want at the same time.”

Alright guys. That was Kim Raver’s big explanation of what she thinks about the upcoming Teddy, Amelia and Owen love triangle ,and how it will possibly play out. How do you guys feel about it? Let us know in the Facebook comments.

Also, don’t forget. Another brand new episode of Grey’s Anatomy is scheduled to air tonight, November 1, 2018 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on ABC. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Grey’s Anatomy Facebook page for more Grey’s Anatomy news by Clicking Here.

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