New Fortnite Season 7 Added A Lot Of New, Very Important Features And Tools

Happy Thursday, “Fortnite” fans. It’s finally that time. Season 7 just arrived today, December 6, 2018, and we’ve got a list of very important items, features and more that you guys just need to be aware of. There’s new vehicles, planes, maps, cities, places and more! We’re about to go over them right now and break things down for you guys.
To get things started, we’re going to go over something we reported yesterday. It was leaked that season 7 will feature a new creative mode that will allow players to build their own personal islands, creating whatever they want and even making new game modes. This new mode will bring a taste of the popular Minecraft game into play. Players will be allowed to copy most of the structures in the game to even making custom game modes.
They can even join their friends’ games to create things as a group. The people over at pointed out that there doesn’t currently seem to be a way to share custom creations with people outside of your friends list, but it’s highly possible we could see something like that in the future.
Epic Games released a new video announcement about this creative mode on their official Fortnite Twitter page yesterday, December 5, 2018. The announcement went just like this, “We’ve got something new and exciting coming for you in season 7,’Fortnite: Creative.’
On December 13th, 2018 we’ll be launching Fortnite Creative. In this mode, you can build on your own private island and also design games and friends. The initial release will be rough, but if you wanna jump in and check it out, pick up the battle pass for a week of early access, starting December 6th, 2018. Hop in and explore with your squad.
Devise action-pack combat modes or shoot your cinematic masterpiece. Use your imagination to create your modes or edit with friends. Everything you make is saved from session to session. While preparing for launch, we invited out sixteen amazing creators to dive deep into Fortnite Creative.”
So, for this first week, the new creative mode will only be available through Battle Pass. But after this first week, it should be available to everyone.
The next feature we’re going to tell you guys about is the arrival of new airplane. That’s right, guys. Fortnite has added a plane into the mix. According to, this new plane is called the X-4 Stormwing. It comes with five total seats. One for them is for the pilot and four passengers. There’s also a machine gun that’s mounted at the front of the plane which the pilot can fire off. However, you’ll want to be careful how much you use it because it’s pointed out that it can overheat.
The plane can reportedly do barrel rolls. Players are given the option to jump out of the plane when things aren’t going so great. When they dive out, they will automatically go into skydiving mode just like they do when they jump off the Battle Bus. They pointed out that it still remains to be seen how flying vehicles will affect the game because they will make the map feel smaller and more accessible. These changes could definitely change the way people play the game.
Next, revealed that Epic Games is removing a couple of items from the game for an unspecified amount of time. They are: Shadow Stones, Port-a-Fort. Chiller Clinger, Double Barrel Shotgun and Shockwave Grenade. They pointed out that it’s highly possible Epic Games could bring these items back into play once they have been improved in some sort of significant way.
Next, they revealed that the map will have some new, icy locations added to it. They are Frosty Flights, Polar Peak and Happy Hamlet. There’s also an entirely new environment called, “Fortnite: Iceberg.” Just like the top of the Viking Village area, these sections of the map are covered in snow.
However, the new edition is ice, and it acts like a chiller trap that causes players to start sliding when they try to stop suddenly. These particular areas have zip lines included in them which allows players to latch onto them so they can quickly zip from one area of a mountain or town to the next.
Finally, the last new addition that was pointed out is the addition of something called, “wraps.” These wrap additions allows players to personalize whatever item they’re using so that their version of it appears to be a little more unique. The wraps does away with everyone’s items looking like everyone else’s. The wraps will allow players to make their items reflect their own, personal style. Currently, the “wraps” option is only available through the Battle Pass.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this particular Fortnite report. It sounds like season 7 could be quite exciting with all the new features and what not. Definitely stay tuned for more Fortnite exclusives. Be sure to follow us on our Fortnite Video Game News Facebook page for more Fortnite Video Game news, tips and more by Clicking Here.