New Kingdom Hearts 3 Extra Keyblade Variations And Second Playable Character Revealed

Happy Saturday,”Kingdom Hearts” fans. We’ve got some pretty interesting news for you guys today. It turns out that most if not all of the keyblades that will be featured in the upcoming and highly anticipated Kingdom Hearts 3 game have been revealed, and we’re going to tell you what they are right now!
According to a new report from the folks over at, Kingdom Heart’s maker Square Enix recently revealed the different keyblade variations that players will encounter in the new Kingdom Hearts 3 game. These are keyblades that Sora will come face to face with as he makes his way from world to world.
Wit no further ado , here are the keyblades variations that will show up in Kingdom Hearts 3. First up is: the Kingdom Key. It’s the most iconic Keyblade in the Kingdom Hearts series because it appears in each game of the series. The Kingdom Key draws out the true power of Sora’s Keyblade even though it is not the strongest Keychain.
2nd, is the Shooting Star Keyblade. It’s a staff that has been wielded by Donald Duck. 3rd, is the Hercules Mt. Olympus Keyblade. 4th, is the Big Hero 6 Nano Gear Keyblade. 5th, is the Frozen Crystal Snow Keyblade. 6th, is the Toy Story Infinity Badge Keyblade. 7th, is the Monsters Inc. Smile Gear Keyblade. 8th, is the Pirates of the Caribbean Rudder of Fate Keyblade. 9th, is the Tangled Ever After Keyblade. 10th, is the Winnie the Pooh 100 Acre Wood Keyblade.
Those are all the keyblades that have been revealed for now. also pointed out that the second playable character for Kingdom Hearts 3 has been revealed. Apparently, it was confirmed in the recent Final Battle trailer that released back in December 2018. They say the second playable character will be Riku. Riku is from Destiny Islands, and he is a life-long friend of characters Sora and Kairi. Later in the series, he becomes a Keyblade master that has the power of light and darkness. He is always ready to sacrifice himself to protect his friends. Riku’s name is derived from the Japanese word for “land” (? Riku?).
How do you guys feel about all the keyblades that will be featured in Kingdom Hearts 3 and about Riku being the second playable character? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the Facebook comments.
As previously reported, Kingdom Hearts 3 is still scheduled to release worldwide on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. It will release early in Japan on January 25, 2019.
You guys can pre-order your copy of Kingdom Hearts 3 over on by Clicking Here. If you order from, you’ll get the “Dawn Til Dusk Keyblade DLC” for Free!
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest Kingdom Hearts 3 report, but definitely stay tuned for more. Be sure to follow us on our Kingdom Hearts Facebook page for more Kingdom Hearts news by Clicking Here. Get your favorite video game stuff by Clicking Here.