Big Brother Season 19 Elena Davies Revealed She’s Shattered Over Her Break Up With Mark Jansen

Hey, fellow Big Brother fans. We’ve got more details on this story about Big Brother season 19 Mark Jansen and Elena Davies’ break up. We recently reported Mark’s side of the story. During his story, he said he really wanted to start a family and life with Elena in Texas. However, he got really down, claiming that Elena would constantly say negative things about their relationship.
He felt like nothing he did would work. He stated, “I was happy when she was happy. With that mindset and perspective, hearing constantly that it’s not a fairy tale and I’m far from Prince Charming, it’s just a gut shot. Clearly, nothing’s working.”
Well, Elena definitely isn’t saying she isn’t to blame for their break up. However,she is saying that she really did love Mark, and that it was actually him that dumped her! She’s totally broken up about it too.
According to the folks over at, Elena spoke about their break up on a podcast show called, “MiscELENAeous.” She started off saying, “It’s pretty obvious that I have been very dumped. Mark and I are no longer together.”
After that, Elena went on to say that her love for Mark hasn’t disappeared, and that she really did try to fight for Mark. However, by the time she did, Mark had already moved on to someone else! Elena explained, “Love does not just disappear right along with the man who leaves you. I really didn’t want to give up, and I fought really hard for him, and I guess I didn’t fight soon enough or hard enough, and I didn’t put in enough until it was too late. But I did fight for him until the very last moment that I found out he had moved on with someone else from Tinder.”
Elena went on to admit that she was far from perfect, and she didn’t always show Mark how much she loved him. However, if she could go back and change things, she would.
She stated, “There was not one day that man woke up and questioned the depth of my love for him. I didn’t always show it the right way, but he knew I loved him. I was not a perfect girlfriend. I took him for granted a lot of times. There are a million ways I wasn’t the partner he deserves, and if I could go back and change so much I would. I’m sorry I saw him as a guarantee and I let him down, but I never did not love him.”
Elena also admitted that she and Mark are very different people, and that’s probably what ultimately led to their demise. She stated, “We are very different people. I think that level of disconnect and some inability to effectively communicate and actively listen at times led us to where we are today.” pointed out that Mark had actually moved all the way from freaking Buffalo, New York to Dallas,Texas to be with Elena! They also hung out a lot with their fellow Big Brother season 19 castmates Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson. As most of you know, things worked out much better for Jessica and Cody. They’re currently married with a baby on the way.
In closing, Elena said she thinks a lot of relationships are ruined by this idea that they will find the perfect person and not run into problems or issues. She said she totally loves Mark and is very shattered by their break up!
Elena stated, “I think that romantic culture has been ruined by fairy tales. Not one single person in this world is dating Prince Charming. I think navigating any relationship is hard. Navigating one that started on reality TV with a person that is your polar opposite, and lacking the luxury of privacy was just something that, I guess, Mark and I couldn’t handle.
I loved Mark. I still love Mark, a f@#cking lot. Oh, what a turn of events, and my heart is absolutely shattered into a million pieces. Survival after a breakup can feel impossible at times, and the only thing getting me through these hard days is knowing I can survive because I’ve survived before. Also, vodka. Also, Xanax. Also, my wonderful friends and family. I wanted to be the girl of his dreams so bad. I hope to never have a podcast like this again.”
So, wow guys. I don’t know about you, but I found that pretty moving regardless of if it was real or not. How do you guys feel? Do you believe Elena is really this broken up about losing Mark? Or do you think she’s just lying through her teeth? Let us know in the comments.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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