Fortnite Is About To Deliver A New, Very Dangerous “Poison Trap” Soon

Hey, Fortnite fans. We’ve got some interesting, new intel for you guys in this report. It turns out that a new trap is about to be released into the game, and it’s called “The Poison Trap!” That’s right, guys! You better watch your step from now on because you just might land in “The Poison Trap!”
According to the folks over at, this new poison trap may be added to Fortnite as soon as tomorrow,March 26, 2019. They say the in-game feed has currently been updated to display the new poison trap. It’s described like this, “It’s a Poison Trap! Watch your step lest you trigger a trap!”
Fortniteintel pointed out that the poison trap was actually leaked in the v8.10 patch by data miners. However, it was never released. The in-game newsfeed switch confirmed the launch of the poison trap. All versions have not gotten the update yet, but they should get it pretty soon.
It appears that the poison trap features little holes that will launch darts or arrows at players that end up getting too close to it. It’s believed that the darts might apply some damage over time which is similar to the ticking damage of the Stink Bombs.
Currently, there’s no official or concrete details about how the poison trap will work. All that’s out right now is just speculation. I would just warn you that if you see the poison trap, immediately head in the opposite direction.
Fortniteintel also pointed out that the v8.20 patch is scheduled to be released tomorrow, March 26, 2019 with downtime beginning at 5AM eastern standard time. It’s not yet completely known what all be included in this latest v8.20 patch. However, it is known that a new ‘always-on’ permanent ranked ‘Arena Mode’ will arrive at some point during v8.20 as part of the Fortnite World Cup.
How do you guys feel about this new poison trap that’s coming to Fortnite? Do You hate it? Do you like it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Fortnite report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
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