‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 5, July 7, 2019 Episode 6 Revealed

‘Fear The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 5, July 7, 2019 Episode 6 Revealed

Hey, “Fear The Walking Dead” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 5. Now that it’s totally over and done with, it’s time to go over what the next, new episode 6 will have in store for you guys.

Thanks to the lovely folks over at AMC, we can do just that. They released a few teaser descriptions for episode 6. So, that’s what we’ll be referencing for this spoiler session.

To get things started, we’ll do the usual by telling you guys what the producers decided to name this episode. Episode 6 is officially entitled, “The Little Prince.”

It sounds like episode 6 will feature some very intense, super dramatic, action-filled and interesting scenes as Luciana and company try to complete a near impossible task! Sarah, Charlie and Victor get a possible solution presented to them and more!

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Luiciana and company situation. It turns out that they will most certainly have quite a rough go at it in this episode. They will be facing a task that is stacked with insurmountable odds. Also, Morgan will be busy trying make sure a disaster doesn’t take place.

AMC’s official description tells us, “Facing impossible odds, Luciana and the group work together to tackle an impossible task while Morgan helps prevent disaster.”

What will this impossible task entail? What disaster will Morgan help stop? Those are a couple of big questions for this particular plotline. Whatever the case, it certainly sounds like this storyline will have a ton of intense, highly dramatic and action-filled scenes for you guys to look forward to.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Sarah, Charlie and Victor Strand will be quite busy dealing with an old friend. Apparently, this old friend will present them with a new solution. AMC’s description tells us, “An old friend presents Sarah, Charlie, and Strand with a solution.”

What will this new solution entail? What will the solution solve? Those are some major questions for this particular scenario. Whatever it is, it certainly sounds like this storyline will have some very interesting scenes to show us. We’ll have to wait and see.

For those of you who want to see some possible additional spoilers and insights into this next, new episode 6, we expect AMC to definitely release a new preview clip for it later on tonight after episode 5 airs. So, be sure to look out for that on Youtube. It should be posted a couple of hours after tonight’s episode 5 wraps up.

AMC conmfirmed that episode 6 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, July 7, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Fear The Walking Dead” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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