Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Eviction Nominees Revealed For July 6, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. It finally happened. Oh yes, it finally happened yesterday evening, July 5, 2019. Two unlucky, Big Brother season 21 houseguests finally got thrown on the chopping block for eviction at the nomination ceremony.
Before we get into who those two unlucky people are, let’s do a brief recap of the major events of this week so far.
This past Wednesday night, poor Ovi got evicted from the Big Brother house with a unanimous vote of 12-0, but he did not leave the house because a new, first time ever twist that is in play called, “Camp Comeback.”
This Camp Comeback twist resulted in Ovi staying in the house in a special camp comeback room. It also brought back the first evicted player, David. This Camp Comeback twist is scheduled to stay in effect for the first four evicted players.
Then the first four evicted houseguests will battle each other to get back into the game. Only one will be victorious. In the meantime, they’re allowed to socialize with the rest of the house, which definitely makes things very interesting and unique.
Anyways, after that major “Camp Comeback” twist reveal, Jack ended up winning the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition to claim this week’s HOH crown. That, of course, brings us to yesterday’s nomination ceremony for Jack.
When it was all said and done, Jessica and Kemi emerged as the two unlucky people who got thrown on the chopping block for eviction this week.
How do you guys feel about Jessica and Kemi getting nominated for eviction by Jack? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
According to Big Brother Network and the LIVE feeds, Kathryn is currently the next in line to replace one of these two nominees if they somehow win the POV (Power of Veto) competition.
We expect the POV comp to be played at some point today, July 6,2019. It’s also noted that the Whacktivity comp was played this week. However, there has been no leak for who won the special power it provides.
All we know, right now, is that the Whacktivity comp is supposed to provide another game changing power to who ever won it. We’ll find out who won it in tomorrow’s Sunday, July 7, 2019 episode.
Some pretty interesting talks took place on the Big Brother LIVE feeds last night. At around 7:24 pm pacific time, July 5, 2019, Isabella was seen telling Nicole, “I want Kemi gone this week and Jessica gone next week.”
Apparently, Isabella and Nicole have formed some sort of bond because Isabella told Nicole to trust her. Apparently, Isabella told Jack about their “Black Widow” alliance. She claims she did it to save her and Nicole before someone else told Jack.
Nicole told Isabella she does trust her, but she thinks she may be screwed now. Isabella doesn’t think so. Isabella told Nicole, “You’re not even on the radar.” Nicole said, “I’m worried Jack will backdoor one of us.” Isabella said, “I don’t think so because of Camp Comeback.”
At around 7:40 pm, Christie suggested to Jack that Jessica be the target because she’s less likely to win the “Camp Comeback” contest to get back into the game.
At around 8 pm, Nicole told Jessica that Isabella ratted out their alliance to Jack. This, of course, pissed Jessica off. She said, “That’s messed up.”
At around 8:34 pm, Kathryn was seen telling Jessica, “Isabella has a huge target on her back right now, and she doesn’t even know it. Everyone wants to make sure Isabella is gone before jury.”
At around 10:45 pm, Isabella told Kemi that Cliff cannot be trusted, and that he’s been lying to her. Isabella also told Kemi that Jack told Jessica she’s just a pawn this week, which means Kemi is the target. That, of course, made Kemi quite upset and frustrated.
At around 11:20 pm, Tommy was seen telling Jessica, “I will vote to keep you over Kemi. You are not the target.”
Nothing really significant happened in the early morning hours for today. So, this is all the good stuff. If we’re just judging from these conversations, it appears that Kemi is, in fact, Jack’s main target for eviction this week.
Again, we’re still waiting for the POV competition to get played today. After that, we’ll see if a winner has emerged that is willing to shake things up or not.
We’re hearing that everyone who played in the Whacktivity comp are all on the same side of the house. So, it’s not expected that much will come of it this week. But it’s still Big Brother. Anything can happen.
You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here.
The next, new episode of Big Brother season 21 is scheduled to air tomorrow night, July 7, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect to see the Whacktivity comp and other conversation footage in this episode. So, definitely tune in if you want to see how all of those events played out.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother season 21 report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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