New ‘The Bachelorette’ Spoilers For July 22, 2019 Episode 11 Revealed

Hey, “The Bachelorette” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed tonight’s episode 10 Overnight Dates episode. Now that it’s finally over and in the history books. it’s time to take a look at what the next, new episode 11 will feature.
We do have confirmation from ABC that this one will indeed be the special “Men Tell All” episode. So, the show will be taking a break from all of the dating footage for a week, and focus on all the memories that were created or the nightmares, which ever one that is for you guys.
I definitely feel like Luke P caused quite a few nightmares this season, and I can’t wait to see this “Men Tell All” episode, because you just know that all the guys are going to totally rag on him.
I mean they couldn’t stop doing it during the season. So, you know they’re going to do it in this special episode that is totally designed for them to.
We usually get spoilers for the episodes from Reality Steve, but he never supplies spoilers for the “Men Tell All” episodes.
So, what I’m going to do in this article is just briefly outline how these type of episodes play out. Obviously, I won’t be able to give you guys any specific details since I don’t know of any of them, but I can make some pretty good guesses.
Anyways, based on the past how ever many years this show has been on the air, the “Men Tell All” episode is going to bring back all the rejected guys from the season minus the final two which is Jed Wyatt and Tyler Cameron in this case.
All the guys will comment on certain moments that happened this season after looking at some clips. Again, I can almost for certain tells you guys that most of the conversations will revolve around all the shady crap Luke P pulled during the season.
If it doesn’t, I will be questioning what season this is because it won’t be the season I just watched.
At some point during this episode, we will see the Bachelorette headliner herself Hannah Brown come out to take the hot seat and answer all the questions the rejected guys have for her.
What I’m really looking forward to seeing is another confrontation between Hannah and Luke P because she finally sent him packing on a really bad note. I mean she flipped him the bird when his elimination car drove off. That’s pretty bad.
I would also like to see Luke S aka Luke Stone show up and have a conversation with Hannah. If most of you recall, he tried to warn Hannah multiple times about Luke P before he eliminated himself. I would like to see what Hannah has to say to Luke in hindsight and vice versa.
Of course, it will all be pretty interesting, but those are the two conversations I’d really like to see take place in the new “Men Tell All” episode.
Later on tonight after episode 10 airs, we do expect ABC to release a new preview clip for the “Men Tell All” episode on Youtube. So, if you want to see more of a glimpse at this episode, definitely look for it on Youtube a few hours after episode 10 gets done airing.
Alright guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this spoiler session since we weren’t able to get any specific details for the next, new “Men Tell All” episode. Even though there’s no actual dating footage in it, we expect it to be quite entertaining. I’m always entertained by these “tell all” specials.
ABC did confirm that the new “Men Tell All” special episode 11 is indeed scheduled to air next Monday night, July 22, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelorette” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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