Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New POV Ceremony Results Revealed For August 6, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We’re back at you with some more important news for the current season 21. Yesterday, August 5, 2019, the POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony did indeed take place. Before we get into the results of it, let’s do a brief recap of the events that led up to it to make sure everyone is caught up to speed.
This week started off with Jessica shockingly winning the new HOH (Head Of Household) competition this past Thursday night, August 1, 2019 to become the new ruler of the house.
Then on Friday, August 2, 2019, Jessica threw the two jerks Jackson and Jack on the eviction chopping block during her nomination ceremony. That was definitely a big move at the time, but could it stick?
That leads us to the POV competition. It was played this past Saturday, August 3, 2019. When it was all said and done, it was Jessica who emerged the winner, keeping her winning streak very much alive. That POV win also allowed her to keep her Jack and Jackson nominations the same if she chose to do so.
That leads us to yesterday’s POV ceremony. It happened during the afternoon hours, and when it was all said and done, it was revealed that Jessica indeed did not use the veto and kept her Jack and Jackson nominations the same.
That means Jack and Jackson are the final nominees for this week, and one of them will be headed to the jury house this Thursday night, August 8, 2019.
Some interesting conversations took place after the POV Ceremony. At around 2 pm pacific time on August 5, 2019, Christie and Analyse were seen talking about how they think Jack could get the votes to stay.
At around 2:40 pm, Analyse told Tommy, “I’m not gaming anymore this week. I’m just going to hang out with Jack and reevaluate who I’m working with because this is obviously not working for me, and you should do the same.”
At around 3:26 pm, Analyse got real blunt again. This time with Jack. She told him, “I know you love Christie, but she is on my last nerve. I don’t know why Christie can’t ever keep her mouth shut.”
Jack said, “If I stay, I will bury Christie, but I need her vote this week. So, we have to act like everything is ok.”
Analyse said, “Christie is not good for my game.” Jack said the same, and that Christie is the reason he’s on the block. Jack went on to say,”I’m done with Christie.”
At around 4:42 pm, Jack told Jessica, “The move you made this week was a good one ,and I don’t hold it against you. If I’m still around, you won’t be my target.”
At around 5:50 pm, Nick told Holly, “I think Christie will vote out Jack to try to buy herself some safety with the others by pretending to respect Jessica’s HOH.”
At around 9:04 pm, Nick was seen saying that Jackson would have to do something really stupid to change their vote to get Jack out.
At around 9:40 pm, Jessica was seen campaigning for Jack’s exit a little bit by pointing out how all of his deals have lots of holes in them.
Apparently, Jack’s been offering a lot of safety promises to people. Jessica also told Cliff, “Jack can’t have anyone else’s best interests in mind because he’s only watching out for Christie and Tommy. Everyone can’t “not be” Jack’s target.”
At around 10:25 pm, Cliff was seen reassuring Jackson that he is voting out Jack this week. He said, “I need to break up that cult of personality between Jack, Christie, and Tommy.”
Alright,so judging from those conversations, it appears that things are heavily leaning towards Jack’s demise. Of course, it’s still rather early. A lot could change in two days.
How do you guys feel about Jessica not using the veto and keeping Jack and Jackson on the eviction chopping block? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
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The next Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, August 7, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time on CBS.
We expect it to feature the POV competition, the POV ceremony, various conversation footage and more. So, be sure to tune in for it if you want to see how all that stuff plays out.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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