Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New POV Ceremony Results Revealed For August 13, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New POV Ceremony Results Revealed For August 13, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. It’s time for us to hit you guys up with a brand new, very important report for the current season 21. The POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony did indeed take place yesterday morning, August 12, 2019.

Before we jump into the results of it, we’re going to do a brief run down of this week’s events that led to this big POV ceremony moment. This week kicked off this past Thursday night, August 8, 2019 when Tommy claimed the new HOH (Head Of Household) crown.

The next day on Friday, August 9, 2019, a new America’s Field Trip twist caused Christie to become an unexpected, third nominee to get thrown on the eviction chopping block. Shortly after that,Tommy held his nomination ceremony.

When it was done, Kathryn and Cliff were revealed to be Tommy’s two picks to get evicted this week. At that point,Christie, Cliff and Kathryn were sitting on the chopping block.

On Saturday night, August 10, 2019, the POV competition took place. When it was all played and done, Tommy emerged the winner again to take full power this week! And that leads us to yesterday’s POV ceremony event.

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Tommy was the reigning veto holder as well as the HOH. Since Christie is his very close partner in the game, he of course used his veto to remove her from the eviction chopping block. That means Cliff and Kathryn are the final eviction nominees for this week, and one of them will certainly be headed to jury this Thursday night, August 15, 2019.

Production did not do any replacements for Christie since she was never actually nominated. She was just thrown up there because she lost a competition.

It’s reported that Kathryn is definitely Tommy’s main target this week. So, it’s highly possible that we’ll be seeing Kathryn leave this week over Cliff.

Some interesting conversations took place on the LIVE feeds after the POV ceremony. At around 2:25 pm pacific time, August 12, 2019, Cliff and Nick were seen agreeing that Kathryn , Holy and Jackson need to be broken up.

At around 2:50 pm, Christie told Analyse that Kathryn is too connected to Jackson and Holly for her to work with.

At around 3:55 pm, Christie told Nicole that Kathryn, Holly and Jackson are too scary together. Christie went on to say that she is definitely leaning towards evicting Kathryn.

At around 4:36 pm, Analyse was seen telling Tommy and Christie, “I want to vote Kathryn out.” Tommy said he thinks he can get Holly on their side if they get rid of Kathryn.

At around 5:25 pm, Jessica told Nicole, “I don’t want to vote Kat out, but it will look suspicious if I don’t. I also have a feeling that Kathryn has a stronger connection to Holly and Jackson.” Nicole said she will tell Kat later this week that she’s voting her out. ” I don’t want to blindside Kat” she said.

Holly was seen trying to talk Analyse into voting to keep Kathryn, but Analyse said, “I’m afraid Kat would nominate me.” Holly said, “Kat said Analyse isn’t even on my radar,” and that she’d probably target Nick.

At around 8:05 pm, Jackson and Holly started realizing it might not be possible to save Kathryn. They also think they’ve been replaced in their alliance by Nick and Nicole.

At around 8:15 pm ,Holly was seen still encouraging Kathryn to try and get Analyse’s vote. At around 8:38 pm, Tommy told Jackson that they have not been replaced by Nicole and Nick. Tommy said, “We’ve just been keeping our distance to maintain the image that we aren’t together.”

At around 9:25 pm, Tommy was seen pushing for Kat to go home this week while chatting with Jessica.

At around 2:10 am today,August 13, 2019, Holly and Jackson were seen talking about possibly splitting their votes this week. Jackson said he didn’t want to vote Cliff out.

And that was it for the significant conversation footage. Judging from all of that, it appears that Kathryn will certainly be meeting her Big Brother demise this Thursday night.

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How do you guys feel about Tommy saving Christie, and leaving Kathryn and Cliff on the chopping block? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tomorrow night, August 14, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS. We expect it to feature the POV competition, the POV ceremony, conversation footage and more. So, tune in for it if you want to see how all that stuff played out.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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