Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For August 25, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: New Power Of Veto Winner Revealed For August 25, 2019

Hey, fellow “Big Brother” fans. We hope you guys are having a lovely Sunday. We’re back at you to tell you what went down during the POV (Power Of Veto) competition that took place yesterday August 24, 2019.

Before we dive into the winner of that comp, we’re going to do a brief summary of what has gone down this week to make sure everyone is up to speed.

This week started off with Holly winning the new HOH (Head Of Household) this past Thursday night, August 22, 2019. Then on Friday, August 23, 2019, half of Holly’s nominating power was taken over by Nick due to a new prankster twist that gave America the chance to vote for one of the houseguests to claim half the HOH power.

Shortly after Nick won the prankster twist power, the nomination ceremony began. Holly chose to nominate Nick for eviction. Then it was revealed that Nick used his prankster power to nominate Christie for eviction. So, those are the two eviction nominees at this point.

That all leads us to yesterday’s POV competition. Cliff, Jackson and Jessica were randomly picked to play for the veto. So, they joined Holly and the two eviction nominees Christie and Nick to battle it out.

After everything was all played and done, it was Jackson who emerged the victor yet again. It’s highly believed that Jackson will not be using the veto. If that happens, Nick and Christie will be the final eviction nominees this week, and one of them will be headed to the jury house this Thursday night, August 29, 2019.

Some interesting conversations took place on The Big Brother LIVE feeds after the POV comp yesterday. At around 4:30 pm pacific time, August 24, 2019, Christie was seen saying she threw the POV comp to prove her loyalty.

So, that was dumb. You should never ever throw a veto comp if you’re sitting on the chopping block. Oh my gosh. This cast is killing me.

Anyways, at around 4:35 pm, Jackson was seen promising Christie that he’s not going to use the veto and that she’ll be safe. I’m not sure how Jackson can promise Christie safety, but whatever.

At around 11:40 pm,Tommy told Nick, “I have to vote to support Christie as long as she’s on the Block because of a deal I made with her.” Nick said, “Last week, you promised to save me if I was against Christie. That’s why I put her up this week.

Why are you so insistent on keeping Christie?” Tommy said, “I’m not, but I made a deal with her so I have to keep that promise.”

At around 12 am today, August 25, 2019, Christie told Tommy, “Cliff promised me his vote at the start of the week.” Christie also said she wanted to take Cliff and Nicole to the end with them instead of Jackson and Holly.

At around 12:25 am, Nick took another shot at convincing Tommy to vote for him to stay, but Tommy reaffirmed his stance on keeping Christie. At around 12:45 am, Holly told Jackson, “I don’t trust Nick. He had his chance at safety.”

At around 12:55 am, Nick admitted to Christie that he’s the prankster vote that put her on the block. After that, they actually discussed a plan to get Jackson to use the veto to save her.

Then Nick had the gall to ask Christie if she would vote to keep him if she came off the block, and she of course said no. That was so crazy. I’m surprised Nick asked her that after he confessed to putting her up. Again, this cast just kills me with the things they do.

At around 1:30 am, Nicole revealed that she hopes Christie gets voted out this week. Then she wants Holly and Jackson out next.

That was it for the significant LIVE feed conversations that took place last night and into the early morning hours of today.

It appears that Christie could have the edge over Nick to stay this week, but it is still quite early in the week. The POV Ceremony is scheduled to take place tomorrow, August 26, 2019. Be sure to look out for our report on it.

You guys can view the Big Brother live feeds yourself FREE for one week over at CBS by Clicking Here. After that, it’s just $5.99 a month.

How do you guys feel about Jackson winning the POV comp this week? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new Big Brother season 21 episode is scheduled to air tonight, August 25, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.

We expect it to feature the Prankster twist vote results, the nomination ceremony, various conversation footage and whatever else the producers decide to deliver. So, be sure to tune it to that one if you want to see all of that good stuff play out.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest Big Brother report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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