New ‘The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 10, November 3, 2019 Episode 5 Revealed

New ‘The Walking Dead’ Spoilers For Season 10, November 3, 2019 Episode 5 Revealed

Hey, “The Walking Dead” fans. We hope you guys are having a great weekend. We are back at you to give you another spoiler session. In this article, we’re going to go over the next, new episode in the season 10 line up, which is episode 5.

Thanks to AMC, we do have a few teaser descriptions that we can share. So, with no further ado, we’re going to jump into these new spoiler teasers right now.

To get this session started off right, we have to give you guys the title of this new episode 5. The producers decided to name it,”What It Always Is.”

It sounds like episode 5 will feature some very interesting and possible disturbing scenes as supplies start turning up missing! One of the Alexandrians actually starts to idolize Negan! Ezekiel decides to harbor a deep secret and more.

We’ll go ahead and start of this spoiler session with the supplies situation. It turns out that there may be a big problem going on. At some point, supplies will start to turn up lost and out of sight! AMC’s official description tells us, “Supplies go missing from Hilltop.”

Why are supplies suddenly going missing? Will this mystery ever get solved? Those are some important questions for this particular storyline. Whatever the case, it certainly sounds like this situation could provide some very interesting scenes. So, get prepped for it when next Sunday rolls around.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that something pretty disturbing and disgusting will take place among the Alexandrians in this episode. One of the Alexandrians will actually start to idolize Negan at some point!

That’s right, guys. This a-hole Negan, who should have been killed ages ago, is now getting some of these idiots to want to follow in his footsteps! AMC’s description tells us, “Negan is idolized by an Alexandrian.”

Which Alexandrian is starting to admire wicked Negan? That’s a big question for this particular plotline. Whoever it is, I hope they nip it right in the bud. One Negan is way more than enough. We don’t need another one to emerge.

Lastly, we have a 3rd teaser description that AMC was gracious enough to give up. It turns out that Ezekiel will have an interesting moment in the spotlight in this next installment. Apparently, it will be revealed that Ezekiel has a secret he will decide to hold on to and not tell anyone. AMC’s description tells us, “Ezekiel holds a secret.”

What is this big secret that Ezekiel is hanging on to? Is this the right move for Ezekiel? Those are some big questions for this this particular storyline. Only time will tell as this certainly sounds like a plotline that could span over many episodes. We’ll have to wait and see.

As always, if you want to get more spoilers for this episode, be sure to check Youtube for the new episode 5 preview clip after episode 4 airs tonight.

AMC always posts a new preview clip for the next episode after each episode airs. These preview clips, more often that not, feature extra details that are not included in the teaser descriptions.

AMC confirmed that episode 5 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, November 3, 2019 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Walking Dead” report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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