‘Batwoman’ Season 1, November 24, 2019 Episode 8 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Batwoman” fans. Unfortunately, we have some bad news for you guys in this article. It turns out that The CW will not be airing the new episode 8 of this premiere season 1 tonight, November 24, 2019. We’re not sure why, but we can tell you that episode 8 will only be delayed for this week.
That means you guys can expect to see the brand new episode 8 hit the airwaves next Sunday night,December 2, 2019 in its usual 7 pm central time slot on The CW of course. So, be sure to mark down that very important date and time on your TV show schedules right now.
So, what is the CW airing in place of Batwoman tonight? A quick look at the TV guide listings reveals that The CW will be airing a repeat episode of Batwoman. They’re re-airing the 2nd episode of this first season. That episode is titled, “The Rabbit Hole.”
CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Kate battles Alice and the Wonderland Gang from the shadows while continuing to be haunted by her sister’s death 15 years earlier.
Meanwhile, the city holds on to hope that Batman has returned, and Jacob Kane and the Crows up the stakes trying to take down the villainous crew. Kate continues to look to Bruce Wayne’s legacy for guidance as Luke Fox inadvertently gets pulled into Batwoman’s vigilante heroics.”
If any of you guys missed that episode when it originally aired, you might still want to tune in to The CW tonight to watch it. If you did see that episode and have no desire whatsoever to watch it again, you will definitely want to find something else to do or watch tonight.
We do have a bit of good news in this article. The CW did release a new episode 8 press release, preview photos and preview clip. These items do contain light spoiler teasers for episode 8.
If you don’t like spoilers, we highly recommend that you exit this article right now. If you don’t mind reading spoilers, by all means please keep reading this article.
Now that our spoiler warning is out of the way, let’s go over this episode 8 press release. To start, it’s officially titled, “A Mad Tea-Party.”
It sounds like episode 8 will feature more dramatic, action-filled, intense and very scandalous scenes.
In the new episode 8, Kate and Alice will continue to have big moments in this episode. They will certainly continue their sister/enemy drama that they have going on. Alice and Mouse will be up to absolutely no good in this installment.
At some point, they will cook up a very scandalous plot that’s described as being their most evil one to date!
Mary is going to invite Kate out to a very special event that was put together to honor Catherine. So, that should feature some pretty lively scenes.
Lastly, we will see Jacob decide to do something quite interesting in this episode because whatever it is, it’s going to cause Kate to be very confused.
The CW’s official description for episode 8 reads like this, “Kate (Ruby Rose) and Alice (Rachel Skarsten) continue their sister/nemesis dance while Alice and Mouse (guest star Sam Littlefield) construct their most evil plan yet.
Mary (Nicole Kang) invites Kate to a special event honoring Catherine (Elizabeth Anweis) and Jacob (Dougray Scott) makes a decision that leaves Kate perplexed.”
The preview photos for episode 8 feature Kate in a lot of scenes. She’s in a pretty serious-looking scene with Mary. Kate is in separate scenes with Luke and Beth. Both scenes look pretty intense and serious.
There’s a solo shot of Kate suited up in her Batwoman gear. This definitely looks like a scene that will have much action and drama. You guys can view all the episode 8 preview photos over on Spoiler TV’s site by Clicking Here.
The preview clip for episode 8 features Beth saying, “Wake up father dear.” Then the clip cuts to Kate saying to Beth, “Tell me where dad is.” Beth says, “Or what?”
After that, the clip cuts to Jacob telling Beth, “I failed you.” Beth says, “Thank you for making me who I am today.”
Then the clips serves up a flurry of hardcore action scenes coupled with Beth screaming, “For eleven years, I dreamed up of revenge!”
The clip caps off with Batwoman choking the living daylights out of Beth. So yeah, there’s definitely some heavy, intense action in episode 8. You guys can view the episode 8 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
Episode 8 will also feature Meagan Tandy as character Sophie Moore and Camrus Johnson as character Luke Fox.
Episode 8 was directed by Holly Dale, and it was written by Nancy Kiu. Again, The CW’s press release confirmed that episode 8 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, December 1, 2019 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Batwoman” TV show news, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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