‘Blue Bloods’ Season 10, December 13, 2019 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

‘Blue Bloods’ Season 10, December 13, 2019 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey,”Blue Bloods” fans. We hope you guys are having a wonderful Friday afternoon because the news were about to give you isn’t so wonderful. It turns out that CBS will not be airing the next,new episode 11 of Blue Bloods’ current season 10 tonight, December 13, 2019.

Oh, no, no,no. Last week’s episode 9 was apparently the Fall finale episode. Here’s some good news though. CBS has given us an airdate for episode 11, and it’s not that far off.

The new episode 11 is currently scheduled to air on Friday night, January 3, 2020 in its same 9 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course. So, definitely be sure to mark down that very important date as soon as you can.

So, what will CBS be airing instead of Blue Bloods new episode 11 tonight? According to the TV guide listings, CBS is going to be airing a bunch of repeat episodes of Blue Bloods until the January 3, 2020 date.

Tonight, they will air the 8th episode of season 9. That episode is titled, “Stirring the Pot.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Erin and Frank clash over new legislation from the district attorney’s office that undermines Frank’s policies.

Also, Erin is at odds with Governor Mendez over questionable sex-trafficking laws; Danny risks his badge to protect a friend from losing his; and an accident on the job forces Jamie to question whether he’s ready to be a sergeant.”

Then next Friday night, December 20,2019, CBS will air the 10th episode of season 9. It’s titled, “Authority Figures.”

CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “A video surfaces of officers partaking in a clear case of entrapment, and Frank focuses on finding the cop who leaked the video.

Also, Eddie retaliates against a co-worker who is pranking Jamie; Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a tabloid writer who worked in the hip-hop scene; and Erin gives a high-profile case to a young ADA under her tutelage.”

If any of you guys never saw those episodes, or if you just want to watch them again, you might still want to tune into CBS. If you don’t want to see these repeat episodes, you will most certainly want to start planning out new things to do or watch for the next couple of weeks.

Usually at this point in the article, we have some spoilers for you guys, but CBS has yet to release a new press release for episode 11. So, all we have is a title for you guys. Episode 11 is officially named, “Careful What You Wish For.” It’s not an original title, but it gets the job done I guess.

Since we don’t have any spoilers, we’re going to briefly tell you how the show is doing ratings wise.

Blue Bloods’ current season 10 is averaging 7.468 million LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.62 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The last episode 10 brought in 7.332 million LIVE viewers and a 0.63 ratings score.

I would say those numbers look pretty strong. The ratings could be a little higher, but the LIVE viewership per episode is very strong.

Currently, CBS has not renewed the show for a new season 11, but it’s still considered very early right now. So, we will wait and see what they do.

Again, CBS confirmed that the new episode 11 is scheduled to air on Friday night, January 3, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Blue Bloods” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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1 Response

  1. Oh, no, no,no. says:

    Oh, no, no,no. According to your publish date, the episode that came out the week before was not 9, it was 10. aired on December 6th

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