‘The Bachelor’ February 10, 2020 Eliminated Natasha Parker & Kelley Flanagan (Recap)

‘The Bachelor’ February 10, 2020 Eliminated Natasha Parker & Kelley Flanagan (Recap)

Hey, Bachelor Nation fans. Tonight, February 11, 2020, the 7th episode of The Bachelor’s 24th season did indeed air, and another two women got very disappointed when they were shown their exit.

Tonight’s episode kicked off with the remaining six women revealing that they are now in Lima,Peru. Peter was seen getting some advice from his mother over a computer Facetime session. She told him,”Believe what’s in your heart,” and all of that good stuff.

Next, Peter met with the remaining women and told them, “My biggest fear is falling for someone who’s not really ready. Please, be very honest with yourselves about whether or not this is something you really want.” After that, Peter gave them all a hug and a kiss.

Shortly after that, it was revealed that Madison got the first 1 on 1 date. During their date, Peter greeted Madison with a big hug and a kiss.

They had a lot of fun throwing rocks into the river. Then they went fishing. Peter told the private cams, “I could definitely see Madison as my best friend ,and someone I could fall in love with. I can ,for sure, see a future with her.”

Madison told Peter, “I was glad to hear you say ,earlier, that you’re serious about this. I want you to know I’m really serious about this too. I care about you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t see a future with you.” Peter said, “I’m glad to hear that.” Then they kissed and made out.

During the second half of Madison and Peter’s 1 on 1 date, they danced at a club. Then they had their little dinner session where they had their important talk.

Madison expressed to Peter that she has a strong relationship with God and her faith, and she wants that type of relationship with Peter. Peter expressed that his Christian values are important to him as well.

Then Peter really went the extra mile to make Madison feel secure. He told her, “I feel so good about you,and I know that I’m falling in love you.” Madison said, “I’m so glad to hear you say that.” Then they kissed, and he, of course, gave Madison a rose. After that, they were seen kissing even more.

Next, Natasha went on her 1 on 1 date with Peter. She was so happy when she found out she was finally getting a 1 on 1 date with him. She had been dragged all the way to the final 6 without having a 1 on 1 date. So, I don’t blame her.

During their 1 on 1 date, Peter took Natasha to get some food. They went shopping, played games and won some prizes. They watched an entertaining dance show. They danced along at one point. They definitely had fun.

Peter complimented Natasha on her brutal honesty throughout the season. He also told her, “I’m so happy to be sharing this day with you.” Natasha told Peter, “My last boyfriend broke up with me because he thought I was too intense for him.”

During the second half of Peter and Natasha’s 1 on 1 date, Peter asked Natasha, “What do you feel now?” Natasha said, “I feel like we have a really strong connection. How do you feel? I feel like I want it to continue.”

Peter told Natasha, “I can see that potential for what I am looking for.” However, Peter told the private cams of Natasha, “I feel like it’s more of a friendship than a romance.”

After that, we saw Peter telling Natasha the disappointing words,”With the relationships that I have,I can’t give you this rose. I’m truly sorry for that. I know you will make someone very happy some day.”

Natasha responded by saying, “I hope you’re following your heart, and you find what you’re truly looking for.”

After that, Peter walked Natasha out to her exit car, and that was it for Natasha. I can’t say that I’m surprised, and not just because we run spoilers here. They always did seem more like friends than a romantic couple.

Next up, was Kelsey and Peter’s 1 on 1 date. Peter took Kelsey out to ride on some four wheelers. After that, they talked about what they would want as a couple.

She said, “I want to be able to work a couple of days a week, but still be able to spend time with the kids because I think that’s important.” Peter seemed to like all of that. So, they kissed.

During the second half of Peter and Kelsey’s 1 on 1 date, Peter told Kelsey, “We had a lot of fun today. I enjoyed that. I want to hear more about your family.”

Kelsey teared up and said, “My parents got divorced when I was 13. My father won’t be at hometowns because I have a separate relationship with him that I don’t want my family to know about. I want to be able to form a relationship with him without any outside influences swaying my opinion of him.”

Peter said, “I’m happy to hear that you gave your father a second chance to be in your life.” Kelsey told Peter, “There’s a lot of qualities in you I like that I haven’t found in any other guys. I really like you ,and I want to be with you.”

Peter told Kelsey, “I definitely can see myself coming home to see your family.” Then he gave her a rose, and they kissed.” So, everything went well with that date.

Next,it was time for Peter to take Kelley, Hannah Ann and Victoria F out on their 3 on 1 date. Before I tell you about the details of this date, we have to tell all the things this Kelley Flanagan girl had to say to the private cams.

For those of you who don’t know, Kelley is the attorney,and she really let the private cams know that she really felt very superior over Hannah Ann and Victoria F.

Here’s what Kelley told the private cams throughout this 3 on 1 outing of theirs: “Victoria F and Hannah Ann are children. Who wants to be on a date with them? Hannah Ann is too young,and Victoria F is a hot mess.

Peter should see that, and I’ll be fine. Victoria F’s melting down. If you’re weak, you’re not gonna last. The weak get cut. Get rid of the drama. Just get rid of it. Give me my rose. Chop, chop. I’m an attorney. Who are they? I’m on a different emotional level. I’m the only one mature enough to be in a relationship.”

During the 3 on 1 date, Peter took Victoria F, Hannah Ann and Kelley to a hacienda. While there, they talked to some old guy who was managing the place.

Needless to say, he was quite shocked to see that Peter was dating three girls at the same time. Little did that guy know, Peter is dating more than just three girls at the same time. Anyways, it was a very humorous moment.

During Peter and Hannah Ann’s 1 on 1 talk, Hannah Ann told him, “This week has been really hard on me. I don’t want to tell you goodbye .I’ve been reflecting on what I want. I made a list of the reasons I’m falling for you.” After she read them out, Peter told her, “This is the sweetest thing ever.”

During Peter and Kelley’s 1 on 1 talk, Kelley told Peter, “I’m upset that I’ve only had a single 1 on 1 date with you. I like you, and I have a lot of fun with you.”

Peter said, “Is this more than just fun for you?” Kelley said, “Yes, it is. I know you don’t like me using that word, fun.” After that, they kissed.

During Peter and Victoria F’s 1 on 1 talk, Peter told Victoria, “I’m kind of confused ,right now, from our last date.” Then Victoria snapped at him saying, “You’re always in a mood. I don’t know how to move forward if this keeps happening.”

Then Peter said, “I’m not in a mood. You have given me reasons to doubt. I feel like you always push me away.”

Then Victoria finally broke down and expressed her real feelings saying, “This is hard. I don’t want to get to the end just to lose you. So, it’s just easier for me to not get there in the first place.” Peter said, “I would never lead you on like that.”

After all that drama, Peter told the 3 ladies that he doesn’t need to wait any longer. He’s already made his decision.

Then he took Victoria F to an exit car, but it wasn’t an exit car to leave the show. It was just an exit car to take her back to the mansion because he gave her a rose. Needless to say, Victoria was very happy she didn’t get cut, and they kissed.

Then Peter returned to Hannah Ann and Kelley. He told them, “I gave Victoria a rose. Hannah, I’ve enjoyed your sweet nature and honesty. Kelley, I’ve been so excited about our relationship and potential. I’m grateful for it. This hurts me, and it’s so difficult. Hannah Ann, will you accept this rose?” Hannah Ann, of course, said yes.

Then Peter walked Kelley out to the exit car. He told her, “I wished this could’ve worked.” Kelley said,”It sucks that it didn’t work out. I think there’s some things you need to figure out.”

Peter told the private cams of Kelley, “We just had a really good friendship,but I didn’t see her as a wife. We were not at a point we needed to be at.”

Kelley told the private cams of Peter, “I have no idea why I’m in this car. Peter made his decision. Do I agree with it? No. I question Peter’s intentions because the girls he chose are like little babies. Thank you for not choosing to come meet my family.” So, that was a little bitter.

Just to recap, Kelley Flanagan and Natasha Parker got sent home during this episode. So, the final four women that made it to the hometown dates episode this season are: Madison, Hannah Ann, Kelsey and Victoria F.

How do you guys feel about that final four? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.

The next, new The Bachelor season 24 episode 8 is scheduled to air next Monday night,February 17, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Bachelor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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