‘The Flash’ Season 6, March 24, 2020 Episode 16 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

‘The Flash’ Season 6, March 24, 2020 Episode 16 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “The Flash” fans. Unfortunately, we had to jump back on here again to give you guys some more bad news. For some reason, The CW is not airing the next, new episode 16 of this current season 6 of The Flash tonight, March 24, 2020.

It gets worse. This delay will occur next week, March 31, 2020 as well. We’ve gotten official confirmation from The CW that the new episode 16 is currently scheduled to air on Tuesday night, April 21, 2020 in its usual 7 pm central standard time slot. So, be sure to mark down that very important date and time on your TV show calendars.

So, what is The CW airing instead of the new episode 16 of The Flash’s current season 6 over the next two weeks? According to the TV guide listings, The CW is going to air repeat episodes of The Flash.

Tonight, they will re-air the 12th episode of this season 6 titled,”A Girl Named Sue.” The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “After months of searching for Sue Dearbon, Ralph gets a lead on her whereabouts and finally comes face to face with his missing client.

However, Sue refuses to return home to her family, and instead, takes Ralph on a daring adventure. Iris faces a new challenge while Barry considers a potentially dangerous request from a trusted source.”

Then next Tuesday night, March 31, 2020, The CW will re-air the 13th episode of this season 6. It’s titled, “Grodd Friended Me.”

The CW’s official description for it reads like this, “Feeling overwhelmed with all the changes since Crisis, Barry conducts an experiment that goes awry and puts him directly in Gorilla Grodd’s path.

Expecting the worst, Barry is surprised when Grodd asks for his help. Unfortunately for both The Flash and Grodd, things get worse when another villain appears ? Solovar. Meanwhile, Iris works with Eva to escape the Mirrorverse.”

If any of you guys want to watch these reruns for whatever reason, be sure to still flip on The CW tonight and next week. If you don’t want to watch these repeat episodes, you will certainly want to make other plans very, very quickly.

With all that said, we were able to track down some new intel for the next, new episode 16 of The Flash’s current season 6. The CW served up a new press release for it. So, we’re going to go over it for you guys real quick.

Before we do, we must tell you that it does contain light spoiler teasers. So, if spoilers aren’t your thing, we highly advise you to exit this article as quickly as you can.

On the other hand, if you just can’t get enough spoilers and love to read them, we highly advise you to definitely stick around.

Now that our spoiler warning is in place, let’s take a look at this new episode 16 press release. First off, we got the official title for it. It’s called, “So Long and Goodnight.”

It sounds like the new episode 16 will feature some very intense, dramatic, action-filled and interesting scenes.

In the new episode 16, Joe’s life will get threatened when Black Hole pays Rag Doll to execute the kill order.

In light of this sticky situation, Singh will suggest that Joe go into a witness protection program, but this won’t jive with Joe. He will outright refuse to do it. Not only that, he will keep investigating Carver!

Ralph will have an interesting moment in this episode. At some point, he’s going to have a run-in with Sue while helping Cisco investigate Carver.

Elsewhere, Iris will be sort of on edge in this episode. At some point, we will see Iris start to get very suspicious of Eva.

The CW’s official description for episode 16 reads like this, “After Black Hole hires Rag Doll (guest star Troy James) to kill Joe (Jesse L. Martin), Singh (guest star Patrick Sabongui) suggests he go into Witness Protection but Joe refuses to stop investigating Carver (guest star Eric Nenninger).

While investigating Carver with Cisco (Carlos Valdes), Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) runs into Sue (guest star Natalie Dreyfuss). Iris (Candice Patton) becomes suspicious of Eva (guest star Efrat Dor).”

The CW also released a new preview clip for episode 16. It looks very intense and serious as the Flash is losing his speed again and more! You guys can view the new preview clip for episode 16 over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

Episode 16 was directed by Alexandra La Roche, and it was written by Kristen Kim & Thomas Pound.

Again, The CW confirmed that the next, new episode 16 of The Flash’s current season 6 is scheduled to air on Tuesday night, April 21, 2020 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Flash” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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