New ‘Yellowstone’ Spoilers For Season 3, August 23, 2020 Finale Episode 10 Revealed

New ‘Yellowstone’ Spoilers For Season 3, August 23, 2020 Finale Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “Yellowstone” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed episode 9. Now that it’s officially done and over with, we are back in your faces ,this Sunday, to give you guys another brand new spoiler session for the next, new episode 10 Of Yellowstone’s current season 3.

Episode 10 will be the finale episode. So, season 3 will indeed come to a close next Sunday night, August 23, 2020.

The terrific folks over at the Paramount Network were nice enough to deliver a very brief teaser description for one of the main plotlines of episode 10. So, that’s what we’re going to be running by you guys right now. Let’s get into it.

To get things started, the producers did give this episode an official title. It is called,”The World Is Purple.” It sounds like episode 10 will feature some very interesting, possible dramatic, intense and action-filled scenes.

In the new episode 10, John will certainly take the spotlight in this particular storyline. At some point, we will see John get into some heavy negotiating action with some former friends and enemies.

Apparently, a battle will be going on during these negotiations that could certainly determine the future of Yellowstone, and this battle will get very heated!

Paramount Network’s official description for this finale episode 10 reads like this, “John sits down at the negotiating table with former friends and foes as the battle for the future of the Yellowstone heats up.”

How will things work out for John during these intense negotiations? That’s a very, very important question for this particular plotline. We’ll definitely have to wait and see. We can tell you, right now, that Paramount Network has already renewed Yellowstone for a brand new season 4!

Yep, that’s right, guys. You can officially start celebrating early. Currently,it’s unknown how many episodes the new season 4 will feature or when it’s set to air. All that we know, right now, is that it is happening.

Again, Paramount Network confirmed that the next, new finale episode 10 of Yellowstone’s current season 3 is indeed scheduled to air next Sunday night, August 23, 2020 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Yellowstone” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    WE ARE ADDICTED! We look so forward to every Sunday to watch and show always leaves us WANTING MORE!!! Love all the characters! THANK YOU for a terrific season 3! Cannot wait for Season 4!!!!!! Linda and Tyler dean from Martha’s Vineyard MASSACHUSETTS??

  2. Amy says:

    I always make out exactly why each episode earned its title. I can’t with The World is Purple. Help!

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