‘Tough As Nails’ September 2, 2020 Winner Of Individual Competitions Revealed In Finale (Recap)

Hey,”Tough As Nails” fans. Tonight,September 2, 2020, another new episode of “Tough As Nails” did indeed air. This one was the finale episode. It featured the finals for the individual competitions, which carried a grand prize reward of a whopping $250,000 dollars and a 2020 Ford Super Heavy Duty pickup truck!
Tonight’s episode kicked off with the first challenge for the final 5 contestants: Danny, Murph, Linda, Callie and Myles.
In this challenge, they had to chop 25 wood logs down to individual pieces that fit through a guage, and then stack them. The first 3 to complete this challenge, advanced to the next round. The bottom two had to battle it out in overtime to advance.
When it was all said and done, Linda finished first. Danny finished second and Murph finished 3rd. So, Myles and Callie had to battle each other in overtime to advance.
During the overtime challenge between Myles and Callie, they had to chisel out a circle in the middle of a circle/cookie log without splitting it. The chiseled circle needed to be large enough to fit around a pole so they could slide it down the pole.
The first one to get three circle/cookie logs down the pole, won. Myles just edged Callie out for the win. So, poor Callie was eliminated.
After that, host Phil Keoghan pointed out that the next competitions will not feature any overtime rounds. “If you lose, you’re out” he said.
In this next challenge, they had to correctly stack boxes and barrels on to pallets to match a work order they were given. Then they had to shrink wrap them. From there, they had to use a forklift to move the shrink wrapped pallets to the correct spot. Then park the forklift to complete the challenge. The person with the slowest time, was eliminated.
Myles finished in first place with a time of 32 minutes. Danny finished in second place with a time of 33:14, and Murph just edged out Linda to take that 3rd and final spot. Murph and Linda’s times were not revealed though.
The next competition was the final round. Whoever won this, won the whole frigging thing. The $250,000 dollars. The 2020 Ford Super Duty pickup truck, and the title “Tough as Nails” champ for season 1.
Danny, Murph and Myles were the final 3 contestants. They’re family members were brought on to give them support and root for them.
In this final competition, they had to do quite a bit. The first thing they had to do was pick up a sledge hammer to smash through a wooden wall. Then they had to move 10 hay bales through the hole they busted through the wooden wall.
After they moved all the 10 hay bales through the wall, they had to use the hay bales to create stairs to get them up and over the first container/wall.
Once they made it over that first container/wall, they had to unchain a latter. Then they had to use that latter to get them up and over the second container/wall.
Once they made it over the second container/wall, they had to pick up a hammer and use it to hammer stakes in to three logs. Once they completed that, they had to wrap chains around the three stakes to create a chain ramp.
From there, they had to saw through wood to carve out 6 or 7 wooden steps. Then they had to climb up the chain ramp and place the wooden steps on top of the 3rd container/wall.
Once they got all the wooden steps placed on top of the 3rd container/wall, they had to unscrew bolts and put the wooden steps in place so they could walk up those steps and get to the brand new 2020 Ford Super Duty pickup truck that was sitting on top of the last container for the win.
Murph ended up making a stunning comeback from behind to pass up Danny during the woodcarving part of the challenge for the win!
Poor Myles totally got stuck on unchaining the latter for a really long time. So, he was never really in it after that.
So, much congrats to Kelly “Murph” Murphy for claiming the first ever “Tough As Nails” championship title.
How do you guys feel about Murph winning the whole thing in this final Tough As Nails season 1 episode tonight? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
“Tough As Nails” will indeed be back for a brand new season 2. CBS definitely renewed it back in early August 2020. So, you guys can look forward to seeing another new season of this show at some point in the future.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Tough As Nails” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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really enjoyed the show – specially oldest woman – had so much grit – kudos to her