The Good Doctor Spoilers For Season 4, November 16, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed

The Good Doctor Spoilers For Season 4, November 16, 2020 Episode 3 Revealed

Hey, “The Good Doctor” fans. We are back for another spoiler session now that episode 2 is in the books. In this article, we’re going to tell you what’s going down in the next, new episode 3 of The Good Doctor’s current season 4, which is due out next Monday night, November 16, 2020.

The lovely ABC folks served up a couple of teaser descriptions for the new episode 3 via their official episode 3 press release. So, we’ll be digging into that for this spoiler session. Let’s get started.

First thing’s first, episode 3 is officially entitled, “Newbies.” It sounds like episode 3 will feature some pretty interesting, possible intense and dramatic scenes as several new candidates compete for a residency spot at St. Bonaventure.

Shaun and Park discuss a very complicated surgery with Andrew. Shaun accidentally insults Lea. Morgan looks to Claire and Audrey for help and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the candidates situation. Yep, that’s right, guys. A new group of several candidates will compete against each other to try and claim a residency spot at St. Bona venture. Shaun, Claire and Alex will be tasked with mentoring these candidates by Audrey.

ABC’s official description for this several candidates storyline tells us, “With several candidates vying for residency at St. Bonaventure, Chief of Surgery Dr. Audrey Lim tasks Dr. Shaun Murphy, Dr. Claire Browne and Dr. Alex Park with mentoring the top first-year resident contenders.”


The second spoiler scoop reveals that the candidates/mentees will end up shadowing Shaun and Park for the day. Then at some point, Shaun and Park will meet up with Andrews to talk about a very difficult surgery that has been scheduled for a minor.

ABC’s description for this Shaun, Park and Andrews scenario reads like this, “As their mentees shadow them for the day, Shaun and Park meet with Andrews to discuss a difficult surgery scheduled for a minor.”

The 3rd spoiler teaser reveals that Shaun will have another one of his awkward slip of the tongues in regards to Lea at some point while talking about the pros and cons of a controversial surgery. Lea will definitely be insulted by Shaun’s awkward slip of the tongue.

ABC’s description for this Shaun and Lea scenario reads like this, “Shaun inadvertently insults Lea while discussing the pros and cons of the controversial surgery.”

The 4th and last teaser description lets us know that Morgan will have a certain consult she needs help with. So, she will run to Audrey and Claire to give her a helping hand.

ABC’s description for this Morgan, Audrey and Claire plotline reads like this,”Dr. Morgan Reznick seeks out Claire and Lim’s help on a consult.”

Episode 3 will feature quite a few guest stars. They are: Sophia Bucior as character Monica Torres, Summer Brown as character Dr. Olivia Jackson, Noah Galvin as character Dr. Asher Wolke, Bria SamonĂ© Henderson as character Dr. Jordan Allen, Michael Liu as character John Lundberg, Brian Marc as character Dr. Enrique “Ricky” Guerin, Sam Robert Muik as character Will Hopper and Samer Salem as character Josh Bunker.

The season regulars that will be featured in episode 3 are: Freddie Highmore as character Dr. Shaun Murphy, Antonia Thomas as character Dr. Claire Browne, Hill Harper as character Dr. Marcus Andrews, Richard Schiff as character Dr. Aaron Glassman, Christina Chang as character Dr. Audrey Lim, Fiona Gubelmann as character Dr. Morgan Reznick, Will Yun Lee as character Dr. Alex Park and Paige Spara as character Lea Dilallo.

Episode 3 was written by David Renaud and Tommy Moran, and it was directed by David Straiton.

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 3 of The Good Doctor’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to air next Monday night, November 16, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Good Doctor” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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