SWAT Season 4, December 2, 2020 Episode 5 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “S.W.A.T.” fans. We hope you are enjoying the new season 4 so far. Unfortunately, we are on here to tell you that the new season 4 journey is being halted tonight, December 2, 2020. That’s right, guys. CBS is not going to air the next, new episode 5 of SWAT’s current season 4 tonight.
On a more positive note, we can officially tell you that episode 5 is due out next Wednesday night, December 9, 2020 in its usual 9 pm central standard time slot on CBS of course. So, definitely make sure you do everything in your power to remember that very, very special date and time.
So, what is CBS airing instead of the next, new episode 5 of SWAT’s current season 4 tonight? Well, according to the TV guide listings, CBS has actually cleared out SWAT’s 9 pm central standard time slot, tonight, to air the second episode of their hit drama Seal Team. Yes, their 4th season will premiere tonight with 2, new, back-to-back episodes.
This second episode of Seal Team’s current season 4 is titled, “Forever War.” CBS’ official description for it reads like this, “Bravo Team reunites with Jason and Cerberus. Then go underground to search booby-trapped tunnels for terrorist leader Al-Hazred.”
If any of you guys are also fans of CBS’ “Seal Team” drama, you might still want to tune into CBS ,tonight, to catch the Seal Team season 4 premiere episodes 1 and 2.
If you are not a Seal Team fan, you will definitely want to make other arrangements for that 9 pm central standard time slot as fast as you can.
With all that said, we were able to track down a little bit of new info for the next, new episode 5 of SWAT’s current season 4. CBS has not yet served up a press release for it, but they did post a new preview clip and a title for it.
Episode 5 is officially titled, “Fracture.” The new episode 5 preview clip features a lot of new and intense scenes with Hondo and Piper. Piper is seen telling Hondo that she’s been told he needs to improve relations with the black community. Hondo doesn’t like that idea as he says, “Pandering ain’t the answer.”
Another scene shows Hondo saying, “We’re dealing with the same problems with the same weak solutions. The next target could be absolutely anybody.”
That dialogue is coupled with some very hardcore, action scenes. Episode 5 will definitely be another entertaining watch. You guys can view the new episode 5 preview clip over on Youtube by Clicking Here.
The new season 4 of SWAT is currently averaging 2.735 million LIVE viewers per episode and a 0.38 ratings score for the 18-49 year old demographics. The last episode 4, which aired last Wednesday night,November 25, 2020, drew in 3.386 million LIVE viewers and a 0.40 ratings score. So, the LIVE viewership is starting to creep up. Hopefully,it can continue to do so.
Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 5 of SWAT’s current season 4 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night,December 9, 2020 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “S.W.A.T.” TV show report,but definitely stay tuned for more.
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