The Rookie Season 3, January 31, 2021 Episode 5 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

The Rookie Season 3, January 31, 2021 Episode 5 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “The Rookie” fans. We are back on here with some unfortunate news for you guys. For some reason, ABC will not be airing the next, new episode 5 of The Rookie’s current season 3 tonight, January 31, 2021. This news gets a little worse. They also will not air episode 5 next Sunday night,February 7, 2021.

So, we’re looking a two-week break for The Rookie right now. We did get official confirmation from ABC that the new episode 5 is currently scheduled to air on Sunday night, February 14, 2021 in its usual 9 pm central standard time slot. So, be sure to remember that very important date and time.

We found out what ABC will be airing instead of the next, new episode 5 of The Rookie’s current season 3 tonight and next week. Tonight, they will be airing a repeat episode of The Rookie. This rerun will be the 2nd episode of this season 3 titled, “In Justice.”

ABC’s official description for it reads like this,”Officer John Nolan and Officer Nyla Harper are assigned to a community policing center to help rebuild their station’s reputation in the community. Nolan is determined to make a positive impact but Nyla has her doubts on “The Rookie.”

Then, next Sunday night, February 7, 2021, ABC will be airing a repeat episode of “Shark Tank” in that 9 pm central standard time slot. It will be the 8th episode of its season 12.

ABC’s official description for it reads like this, “A classic dessert with a healthy twist for children. A product designed to boost visibility while navigating the streets. A hands-free gadget. A educational robot.”

If any of you guys want to watch these repeat episodes of The Rookie and Shark Tank, you might still want to watch ABC over these next two weeks at that time.

On the other hand, if you know you do not want to watch these repeat episodes of The Rookie and Shark Tank, you will definitely want to make other plans as quickly as you possibly can.

With that said, we were able to track down an official title and preview clip for the next, new episode 5 of The Rookie’s current season 3. So, we’re going to talk about that for a little bit.

If you don’t want to see any spoilers, we do highly advise that you exit this article right now because the preview clip does contain light spoilery material.

If you like reading or seeing spoilery material, we definitely think you should stick around for the rest of this article.

Now that our little spoiler warning is out of the way, let’s see what’s in store for this new episode, starting with the official title for it. It’s called, “Lockdown.”

In the new episode 5 preview clip, John is seen telling Nyle that his whole entire career depends on how he does on a disciplinary exam. Nyla tells him, “Anxiety lives your muscles. If you want to do well on this exam, you’ve got to shake it out.” After that, he starts shaking like crazy, which looks very funny to the whole staff that’s looking on.

What doesn’t look so funny is when John gets a gun pulled on him this next scene. The culprit tells John, “Don’t speak. Do exactly as I say.”

Next, the clip cuts to the culprit calling up Wade to tell him he’s got officer Nolan in his possession, and all hell breaks loose from there!

It definitely looks like the new episode 5 will feature some very intense and action-filled scenes for you guys. You can view the new episode 5 preview clip for yourselves over on Youtube by Clicking Here.

Again, ABC confirmed that the next, new episode 5 of The Rookie’s current season 3 is scheduled to air on Sunday night, February 14, 2021 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “The Rookie” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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