Tough As Nails February 24, 2021 Eliminated No One From Individual Competitions (Recap)

Hey, “Tough As Nails” fans. Tonight, February 24, 2021,another new episode of Tough As Nails’ current, second season did indeed air. Tonight’s episode kicked off with host Phil Keoghan showing up to tell the remaining contestants that Tara Alverson was not medically cleared to return after the injury she suffered to her previously injured thumb in last week’s episode.
Phil also told them that Michael “Eyebrows” Guerriero had to go home. So, he will no longer be competing in this season. Phil did not disclose the reason why Michael left. So, your guess is as good as ours.
After all of that bad news, Phil presented them with their next team challenge. In it, they had to build a 150 feet of road. The first team to complete it, won the $12,000 dollars and a badge of honor. The team to finish this season with the most badge of honors, wins an extra $60,000 dollars for their team.
Sarah was the team lead for the Savage Crew in this team challenge, and Liz was the team lead for Dirty Hands.
During the challenge, they drove big tractor type vehicles to lay multiple loads of aggregate. Then they had to smooth it out until they got their 150 feet worth of road built out to perfection.
After they completed their road, they had to all pile in a van and drive it across their newly-built road to claim their victory.
At one point, the Dirty Hands crew ran into some issues with something not moving correctly for them. It definitely caused them to fall behind the swift Savage Crew.
The Dirty Hands team did manage to get their issues ironed out to make it a close race to the finish, but the Savage Crew just did too well to be denied the victory for this comp. They drove their van over their newly-built road well ahead of The Dirty hands team to claim the $12,000 dollars and a lead in the collection of badge of honors by a score of 2 to 1.
Liz said she definitely takes the blame for the Dirty Hands crew losing, claiming she was trying to be too much of a perfectionists with how the road looked, and it dragged her team behind.
Next up, was the individual challenge. In it, they had to drive a bulldozer and use it to push a tire through some type of obstacle course. The person with best time to complete it, won. Liz totally ran into some major problems in this challenge as she got completely stuck at one point.
When this comp was all said and done, it was Scott that ended up in first place with the fastest time. Patrick “Freight Train” came in second place. Swifty took 3rd place. Merryl finished in 4th place. Cyril took the 5th spot. Sarah came in 6th place. Iraida finished in 7th place. Celi just edged on through in 8th place to miss ending up in the bottom two.
So, it was Liz and Angel that ended up in the bottom two. They were both ready to compete against each other in overtime, but host Phil Keoghan threw them a lifeline by telling them everyone is safe from being eliminated from individual competitions this week due to Michael “Eyebrows” dropping out of the competition.
Angel was ecstatic because he really wants to win this competition to help out his family and so forth. Phil told Scott that he will get a huge advantage in the next individual challenge for winning this one, and that was it, guys. That was the show. No one got eliminated from the individual competition this week, February 24, 2021, but you better believe they will next week.
The next, new episode for Tough As Nails season 2 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, March 3,2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Tough As Nails” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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