Tough As Nails March 10, 2021 Eliminated Celi Garcia From Individual Competitions (Recap)

Hey, “Tough As Nails” fans. Tonight, March 10, 2021, another new episode of Tough As Nails season 2 did indeed hit the airwaves, and another unlucky person did get eliminated from the individual competitions, losing their chance at winning a whopping $200,000 dollars and a brand new 2021 Ford F-150 pick up truck and bragging rights.
Tonight’s episode kicked off with footage of the Dirty Hands crew getting all emotional about Angel losing his spot in the individual competitions and how they need to do everything they can to win these team challenges for Angel so he can still get a reasonable amount of cash out this Tough As Nails adventure.
From there, we saw host Phil Keoghan show up with the next team competition. In it, they had to prepare a soccer stadium for a soccer game because it was recently used as a concert venue.
Patrick “Freight Train” was the crew boss for the Dirty Hands team. Sarah was the crew boss for the Savage Crew team.
During the challenge, they had to set up the goal posts, which were very heavy. They had to unlock and remove a bunch of plastic tiles.
At one point, Patrick “Freight Train was assigned the task of painting the lines, and he was doing it a little too slow so he could be very accurate. Meanwhile, Sarah finished painting her lines way before Freight Train did so she could get back and help her Savage Crew team remove the rest of the plastic tiles.
Freight Train did eventually pick up the pace so he could get back to help his team with the removal of the plastic tiles.
Scott expressed some extreme frustration with the Savage Crew for not getting all the tiles unlocked quickly enough as it slowed them down. In the end, it was the Dirty Hands crew that pulled out the victory to take a 3-2 lead over the Savage Crew in number of team competition wins. The team with the most wins at the end of this season wins an extra $60,000 dollars. So, this is very important.
At one point, they showed us some footage of Liz expressing she had a problem with Sarah saying her Savage Crew team lost because they didn’t have as many men. Later, Sarah explained to Liz that it came out the wrong way ,and she felt stupid for saying that. So, they patched things up and got back in harmony with each other so to speak.
Next up, we were shown the individual competition for this episode. In it, they had to correctly assemble and replace seven, missing seats in the soccer stadium. They each had their own individual work stations for this competition.
When it was all said and done, Scott finished in first place, followed by Cyril “Zues.” Sarah came in 3rd place. Freight Train finished in 4th place. Merryl took the 5th spot. Swifty came in 6th place. Iraida snatched up the very important 7th place to just narrowly avoid having to compete in overtime.
Poor Celi and Liz were the bottom two finishers. So, they had to battle it out in the overtime challenge to keep their spot in the individual competitions.
In the overtime challenge, Celi and Liz had to replace empty beer kegs. Then, load them into the back of a truck. From there, they had to correctly poor 5 beers. The first one to complete it, won. Unfortunately, Celi ran into issues ,early on, with pouring the beers correctly. That caused her to fall slightly behind Liz, and she could just never catch up.
When it was all said and done, it was Liz who came out on top by finishing just ahead of Celi 5-4. That means poor Celi had to punch out as she was eliminated from the individual competitions.
How do you guys feel about Celi Garcia getting eliminated from the individual competitions in tonight’s March 10, 2021 episode? Are you happy about it? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
The next, new episode of Tough As Nails season 2 is scheduled to air next Wednesday night, March 17, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time on CBS.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Tough As Nails” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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