New Station 19 Spoilers For Season 4, March 25, 2021 Episode 8 Revealed

New Station 19 Spoilers For Season 4, March 25, 2021 Episode 8 Revealed

Hey, “Station 19” fans. We hope you guys enjoyed episode 7 tonight. Now that it’s officially wrapped up and in the can, we are back in action to get you guys all prepped for the next, new episode 8 of Station 19’s current season 4. It’s due out next Thursday night, March 25,2021. So, we’re going to tell you a few things you should expect from it.

The lovely folks over at ABC is helping us do that with their new, official episode 8 press release. It features a couple of new teaser descriptions for episode 8. So, we’re going to run those by you guys right now. Let’s do it.

For starters, ABC’s episode 8 press release revealed that this new episode 8 has been officially titled, “Make No Mistake, He’s Mine.” It sounds like episode 8 will feature some very interesting, intense, dramatic and emotional scenes as Victoria finds out a very startling secret! Andy gets very frustrated with Sullivan. Maya starts getting jealous and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the Victoria situation. It turns out that her love life is going to run into some more complications at some point, and these complications will have to do with a very shocking secret that gets exposed to her.

ABC’s official description for this latest Victoria storyline tells us, “Vic’s love life is complicated again as she learns of a shocking secret.”

What will this startling secret turn out to be? That is definitely a very important question that we’ll be looking to see get answered before the hour is up next week. Get ready for it. We definitely think some very interesting scenes could result from this plotline depending on what this big secret is.

The second spoiler scoop reveals that Andy will definitely not be feeling great about Sullivan in this episode. Apparently, Sullivan is going to keep undermining Andy’s authority to the point that it sends her into a state of extreme frustration!

ABC’s description for this latest Andy and Sullivan storyline reads like this,”Andy grows frustrated at Sullivan for undermining her authority.”

Will Andy and Sullivan be able to make up and play nice. That’s a big question for this particular storyline. There’s no doubt that the drama will get turned up with this situation.

The 3rd and last spoiler teaser lets us know that one of Carina’s past lovers is going to come strolling by for a visit, and this situation is going to totally cause Maya to experience some feelings of jealousy that she will struggle to keep hidden.

Wow! Yep, it definitely sounds like next week will deliver some very intense scenarios for you guys. It should be interesting to see how Maya deals with her overwhelming jealousy.

ABC’s description for this Maya and Corina situation reads like this, “Maya struggles to keep her jealousy at bay when one of Carina’s old flames comes to visit.”

Episode 8 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Sylvia Kwan as character Dr. Mabel Tseng, Carlos Miranda as character Theo Ruiz and Lachlan Buchanan as character Emmett.

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next ,new episode 8 of Station 19’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to hit the airwaves next Thursday night, March 25, 2021 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Station 19” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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