Big Brother 23 Spoilers: August 29, 2021 Power Of Veto Winner Revealed

Happy Sunday, “Big Brother” fans. We hope your weekend is going well. It’s that time again. We are back with another new, very important update from the Big Brother season 23 house. Yesterday, August 28, 2021, the POV (Power Of Veto) competition was played, and we have that results for it.
Before we tell you who won, we’re going to do a quick recap of this week ,so far, to make sure everyone is up to speed on everything. This past Thursday night, August 26, 2021, Tiffany became the new HOH (Head of Household) after winning the latest HOH competition during the LIVE eviction show.
Then, on Friday, August 27, 2021, Tiffany threw Kyland and Sarah on the eviction chopping block during her nomination ceremony. Also, Xavier is on the block as a 3rd nominee due to the punishment he incurred during last week’s POV competition.
Shortly after Tiffany’s nomination ceremony, the High Roller’s room twist was played, and Claire won the ultimate Coin Of Destiny prize, which allowed her to take over Tiffany’s HOH. However, Claire kept Tiffany’s eviction nominees the same. So, Sarah and Kyland remained on the chopping block with Xavier as the 3rd nominee. That all brings us to yesterday’s POV competition.
Since Tiffany lost her HOH perks, she didn’t play in the veto comp. Her two nominees Sarah and Kyland played by default. Then, Claire, Alyssa and Hannah were randomly drawn/picked to play for the veto. When it was all played and done, it was Hannah who emerged as the winner!
Since Hannah is part of Tiffany’s Cookout alliance, we’re pretty sure she’s not going to use the veto and keep Sarah and Kyland on the block. Sarah was Tiffany’s main target before she lost her HOH perks to Claire. So, we’re about 99.9 percent sure that Sarah will be exiting the house this Thursday night, September 2, 2021.
At around 6:05 PM, pacific time, yesterday August 28, 2021, Xavier and Kyland were seen saying that they expect Sarah to be unanimously voted out this Thursday night.
At around 6:45 PM, Tiffany was seen camtalking saying, “I might finally get Sarah out after trying since week 5. I’m happy with how things went.”
At around 12:05 AM today, August 29, 2021, Hannah and Xavier were seen discussing her possibly using the veto to remove him as a 3rd nominee. Hannah told Xavier, “I want to save you, and I will discuss it with Claire and Tiffany.”
At around, 2:05 AM, Tiffany told Xavier, “It would be okay for Hannah to use the veto on you.”
Again, it seems like things are full steam ahead for voting out Sarah this Thursday night. Of course, we’ll be reporting what takes place at the POV ceremony when it happens tomorrow, August 30, 2021.
How do you guys feel about Hannah winning the POV competition this week? Are you happy? Are you sad? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest “Big Brother” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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I am not happy with the ways things went. This Cookout is ridiculous. I can’t stand Xavier. Please vote him out. Everyone play your own game not black vs non-black. This is racism.
Not happy with the outcomes. Play your own game and not black against everyone else.
This is so unfair. I lost interest in Big Brother.
A non brother fan.
not watching anymore.