New The Rookie Season 4 Spoilers For January 30, 2022 Episode 13 Revealed

New The Rookie Season 4 Spoilers For January 30, 2022 Episode 13 Revealed

Hey, “The Rookie” fans. We hope episode 12 delivered some really good stuff for you guys tonight. Now that episode 12 has come and gone, we are back on here to go over a couple of spoilery storylines that will be showing up in the next, new episode 13 of The Rookie’s current season 4, which is due out next Sunday night, January 30, 2022.

We were able to gather up a couple of new, official teaser descriptions for this new episode 13 straight from the good ole ABC folks via their official episode 13 press release. So, let’s go ahead and take a look at those right now.

First off, ABC revealed that this next, new episode 13 of The Rookie’s current season 4 is officially named/titled, “Fight or Flight.” It sounds like episode 13 will feature some very interesting, scandalous, intense, dramatic, action-filled and suspenseful scenes as a teenage helicopter thief arrives on the scene. Nyla and Aaron have to keep watch over a convicted killer and more.

We’ll go ahead and start off this spoiler session with the teenage helicopter thief situation. It turns out that officers John Nolan and Lucy Chen will certainly have their hands full in this episode as they will have to successfully complete three quests that have been served up by a teenage helicopter thief in order to retrieve the police helicopter that he stole.

ABC’s official description for this helicopter thief storyline reads like this, “Officers John Nolan and Lucy Chen must fulfill three quests if they want to get a stolen police helicopter back safely from a teenage thief.”

The second and final spoiler scoop for this new episode 13 lets us know that officers Nyla Harper and Aaron Thorson will be dealing with a pretty intense situation of their own at some point. Apparently, Nyla and Aaron will be forced to guard over a convicted cop killer while he or she is in the hospital due to a prison riot.

ABC’s description for this Nyla and Aaron plotline reads like this, “Officer Nyla Harper and Aaron Thorson must guard a convicted cop killer in the hospital following a prison riot.”

Episode 13 will feature a couple of guest stars. They are: Tru Valentino as character Aaron Thorson, Arjay Smith as character James Murray and Jay Hunter as character Officer Gil Webb. Episode 13 was written by Brynn Malone, and it was directed by Lanre Olabisi.

ABC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 13 of The Rookie’s current season 4 is indeed scheduled to hit the air next Sunday night, January 30, 2022 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright guys. That’s all we’ve got for this latest, “The Rookie” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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