Big Brother 24 Spoilers: September 16, 2022 Eviction Nominees & POV Winner Revealed

Hey, fellow, “Big Brother” fans. Today, September 16, 2022 was a very full and big day for the remaining 4 houseguests in the Big Brother season 24 house. Not only did the eviction nomination ceremony take place, they also competed in the next POV (Power Of Veto) competition.
Apparently, since CBS will not be airing a new episode of Big Brother on Wednesday night, September 21, 2022, they had to go ahead and squeeze both the nomination ceremony and POV comp in today so production could get it ready for this Sunday night’s September 18, 2022 episode.
With all that said, we are definitely on here to give you guys the very important results of these two events right now. Let’s get to it. As we previously reported, Taylor became the new HOH (Head Of Household) after winning last night’s new HOH competition during the LIVE eviction show that sent Alyssa Snider packing and off to the jury house.
That means Taylor was in charge of nominating two houseguests for eviction. She only had three to choose from since we’re down to the final 4, and she decided to throw Turner and Brittany up for eviction. However, Taylor’s nominations essentially mean nothing unless she can also win this week’s POV competition. The one with the veto will have the real power to decide who comes with them to the final 3.
With all that said, let’s get into the results of the POV comp since it happened today as well. According to the Big Brother Network people and the LIVE feeds, the veto comp was a math-themed comp. The houseguests were seen wearing t-shirts with square root, pi, equals and variables.
After the veto comp was all played and done, it was Monte who emerged as the winner! That’s right, guys. Monte continues to remain on his competition roll. He actually hasn’t lost any comps he’s played in since beating out Michael in the Double Eviction POV comp. He got disqualified from last week’s POV comp due to arriving too late for it. So, if he can keep up this competition roll he’s on, we might see Monte march right to the final 2 for the win.
For now, the next question that remains looming in the air is who will Monte choose to evict during this Thursday night’s, September 22,2022 LIVE eviction show. There’s no chance Monte can use his veto on anyone because there’s no one else left to put up in their place. So, he will be tasked with voting for either Turner or Brittany to get evicted come Thursday night.
At around 11:22 AM pacific time today, September 16, 2022, Monte was seen telling Turner, “I’m taking you to the final 3.” Turner told Monte, “If I win the final HOH, I’m bringing you to the final two.” Monte told Turner, “Just don’t act too comfortable.”
After talking with Taylor, Brittany was seen telling the cams, “I’m going home.” At around 11:52 am, Monte told the cams, “I don’t trust that Taylor would bring me to the final two if I keep Brittany.”
Yep, based on those LIVE feed conversations, we can definitely say that Brittany is 99.9 percent going to jury this Thursday night. We never say 100 percent because it is still Big Brother, and there’s still 6 days left to go before Thursday night. We could certainly see Brittany trying to talk Monte’s ear off before Thursday night gets here and who knows? Anything could happen.
At this point, we don’t think there’s any reason for them to even have a POV ceremony, but if they do, I guess we’ll jump back on here and tell you how that went. How do you guys feel about Monte winning the final POV competition of this season and getting to choose who joins him and Taylor in the final 3? Are you happy about it? Are you sad about it? Or do you just not care one way or the other? Let us know in the comments section.
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