Bob’s Burgers Season 13 January 1, 2023 Episode 11 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight
Hey, “Bob’s Burgers” fans. Unfortunately, we have some bad news to drop on you in this report. We’re pretty sure that most of you have noticed that FOX has not been airing new episodes of Bob’s Burgers for the last couple of weeks. That is because the show is currently being delayed for three weeks. So, once again, FOX will not air the next, new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers’ current season 13 tonight, January 1, 2023.
That’s right, guys. Bob’s Burgers will be MIA (Missing In Action) again tonight, but we do have some good news for you. This week is the final week of the 3-week delay period. So, you guys can expect to see the new episode 11 to finally drop next Sunday night, January 8, 2023 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly be sure to remember that very important date and time.
As for tonight, we did find out what FOX has in store instead of a new Bob’s Burgers episode. According to the TV guide listings, FOX is going to serve up a Bob’s Burgers rerun episode tonight. They’re re-airing the 4th episode of this season 13 titled, “Comet-y of Errors.”
FOX’s official description for this Bob’s Burgers rerun episode reads like this, “At a comet watch party, Bob tries to keep Teddy from looking for signs from the universe; the kids try to make their comet wishes come true.”
If any of you guys find this rerun episode of Bob’s Burgers to be appealing at all, you might still want to keep FOX on your Sunday night, primetime watchlist tonight. On the other hand, if you only want to watch new episodes of Bob’s Burgers and won’t settle for anything less than that, you will certainly want to get some other plans lined up for tonight if you haven’t already.
Spoiler Warning: For those of you who are interested, FOX did deliver up an official teaser scoop for the next, new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers’ current season 13 via their official episode 11 press release.
It revealed that this new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers’ current season 13 has been officially named/titled, “Cheaty Cheaty Bang Bang.” FOX’s official description for episode 11 reads like this, “After a student accuses her of cheating on a test, Tina needs to get back to school to clear her name, but a snowstorm traps her and her family at home.”
Again, FOX confirmed that the next, new episode 11 of Bob’s Burgers’ current season 13 is scheduled to finally make its way to the air next Sunday night, January 8, 2023 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.
Alright, guys. That is going to be a wrap for this latest, “Bob’s Burgers” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.
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