New Quantum Leap Season 1 Spoilers January 9, 2023 Episode 10 Revealed

New Quantum Leap Season 1 Spoilers January 9, 2023 Episode 10 Revealed

Hey, “Quantum Leap” fans. We hope you guys totally enjoyed what episode 9 put down last week. Now that episode 9 is well past done and over with, we are back on here to reveal a couple of things you can expect to see in the next, new episode 10 of Quantum Leap’s current, premiere season 1, which is due out tonight, January 9, 2023.

We were able to get an official teaser description for this new episode 10 via NBC’s official episode 10 press release synopsis. So, we’re going to totally dig into it and break it down for you. Let’s go.

First thing’s first. We did get an official title for this new episode 10 of Quantum Leap’s current season 1 from NBC. The writers decided to title it, “PAGING DR. SONG.” It sounds like episode 10 will feature some very intense, dramatic, interesting, suspenseful and possible scandalous scenes.

In the new episode 10, a leap into a medical resident will be the main focus of this description that NBC chose to reveal. Yep, it turns out that we’re going to see Ben make another leap in this episode. This time, he will end up in the body of a female resident of a Seattle hospital. Her name is Alexandra Tomkinson.

At some point, a terrible train crash will take place, causing tons of people to flood into the emergency room! during this tragedy, Addison will reveal to Ben that he has a very complicated mission that he has to complete during this leap. This mission will require Ben to face off against hospital bosses in order to save lives along with Alexandra Tomkinson’s career.

NBC’s official description for episode 10 reads like this, “Ben leaps into Alexandra Tomkinson, a medical resident in a Seattle hospital.As victims from a train crash pour into the ER, Addison reveals a very complicated mission facing Ben during this leap. Ben must go up against hospital bosses to save lives and Alexandra’s career.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 10 of Quantum Leap’s current, premiere season 1 is indeed scheduled to make its debut tonight, January 9, 2023 at approximately 9 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s all the info we could dig up for this latest, “Quantum Leap” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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