Law & Order SVU Season 24 January 19, 2023 Episode 12 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Law & Order SVU Season 24 January 19, 2023 Episode 12 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” fans. Unfortunately, it’s time for you guys to hear some bad news again. For some reason unbeknownst to us, the folks over at NBC are not going to air the next, new episode 12 of Law & Order: SVU’s current season 24 tonight, January 19, 2023. That’s right, guys. It’s going to be MIA (Missing In Action) tonight.

On a more positive note, NBC has let us know through their official episode 12 press release that they plan to air the new episode 12 next Thursday night, January 26, 2023 in its usual, 8 pm central standard time slot. So, this will just be a one-week delay this time. Definitely, be sure to make note of that very important date and time.

We did find out what is on NBC’s primetime schedule ,tonight, to take the place of a new Law & Order: SVU episode. According to the TV guide listings, CBS will be airing another repeat episode of Law & Order SVU. This one will be the 2nd episode of this season 24 titled,”The One You Feed.”

NBC’s official description for this repeat episode 2 of Law & Order: SVU season 24 reads like this, “A group of teens terrorizing tourists has the SVU squad working overtime. McGrath teams them up with the Bronx gang unit to track down a crucial lead.”

If any you guys find that particular repeat episode of Law & Order: SVU to be appealing at all, you might still want to hit up CBS tonight as you normally would during that time. If repeat episodes are not your cup of tea, you will certainly want to get some alternate plans in the works for tonight really, really fast.

Spoiler Warning: We did find a few, new spoilery scoops for the next, new episode 12 of Law & Order: SVU’s current season 24 by way of NBC’s offcial episode 12 press release.

The first thing it let us know is that there’s an official title for this new episode 12. It’s called, “BLOOD OUT.” NBC’s official description for episode 12 reads like this, “As Benson and Carisi put a vengeful crime boss on trial, Fin tries to help a woman who was drugged and left for dead. Velasco takes drastic action to get information from a witness.”

Again, NBC confirmed that the next, new episode 12 of Law & Order: SVU’s current season 24 is scheduled to finally debut on your TV sets next Thursday night, January 26, 2023 at approximately 8 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That is going to be all we’ve got for this latest, “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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