New Law & Order Season 22 March 30 2023 Episode 17 Spoilers Revealed

New Law & Order Season 22 March 30 2023 Episode 17 Spoilers Revealed

Hey, “Law & Order” fans. We hope you guys totally dug episode 16, especially since it had gotten delayed for a couple of weeks. Now that episode 16 finally got to see the light of day, we are back in your faces to tell you what will be going down in the next, new episode 17 of Law & Order’s current season 22, which is due out on Thursday night, March 30, 2023.

We were able to track down an official teaser description for one of episode 17’s main storylines straight from NBC’s official episode 17 press release synopsis. So, we’re going to talk about what it has to say right now. Let’s get to it.

For starters, there is an official title for this new episode 17 of Law & Order season 22. It’s called,”BIAS.” It sounds like episode 17 will feature some very scandalous, intense, dramatic, interesting and action-filled scenes.

In the new episode 17, the murder of a public defender will be the main focus of this storyline that NBC chose to reveal. Yep, it turns out that another big scandal will happen in this episode as a public defender will lose his life to some vicious murderer at some point.

Cosgrove and Shaw will end up jumping on this case to investigate. When they do, they will be startled out of their minds to see Price at the scene of the crime. Price will also get involved with the trial, which will end up compromising this case.

NBC’s official description for episode 17 reads like this, “When a public defender is murdered, Cosgrove and Shaw are surprised to find Price at the crime scene. His involvement in the trial compromises the case.”

NBC’s press release confirmed that the next, new episode 17 of Law & Order’s current season 22 is indeed scheduled to make it to the air next Thursday night, March 30, 2023 at approximately 7 pm central standard time.

Alright, guys. That’s going to wrap it up for this latest, “Law & Order” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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