Big Brother September 2 New POV Ceremony Results Revealed (Spoilers)

Big Brother September 2 New POV Ceremony Results Revealed (Spoilers)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. We’re back at you with another very important Big Brother season 26 update for you guys. Earlier today, September 2, 2024, the latest POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony took place, and we’re going to tell you exactly what took place during it in this article.

Before we dive into today’s POV ceremony results, we’re going to do a real quick recap of this week so far to make sure everyone is up to speed on everything. This week started off with Quinn winning the latest HOH (Head Of Household) competition this past Thursday night, August 29, 2024, to become the new HOH.

Then, on Friday, August 30, 2024, Quinn used his HOH powers to nominate Angela, Kimo and Rubina for eviction, with his main target eventually being Angela. On Saturday, August 31, 2024, Leah won the latest POV competition, and that all brings us to today’s POV ceremony.

During the latest POV ceremony, Leah actually decided to go ahead and use her veto to save Angela from the eviction chopping block. So, Angela got another miracle thrown her way this week. After that, Quinn had to nominate a replacement nominee for Angela, and that unlucky houseguest was Joseph.

So, Joseph, Rubina and Kimo will be the three eviction nominees heading into this Thursday night’s September 5, 2024, LIVE eviction episode, and one of them will surely go home after it is all wrapped up. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

As most of you know by now, Rubina, Joseph and Kimo will have one more shot at automatic safety with the BB AI Arena competition during the LIVE eviction episode. Then, the remaining two nominees will have to get enough votes to stay in the house.

How do you guys feel about Leah using her veto to save Angela from the eviction chopping block, and Quinn nominating Joseph as a replacement nominee during today’s POV ceremony? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, spoiler report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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