Big Brother September 12 Evicted Quinn Martin In LIVE Eviction Episode (Recap)

Big Brother September 12 Evicted Quinn Martin In LIVE Eviction Episode (Recap)

Hey, “Big Brother” fans. Tonight, September 12, 2024, another new, LIVE eviction episode for Big Brother’s current season 26 hit the air tonight, and another unlucky houseguest was evicted, becoming the first member of the jury.

Tonight’s new, LIVE eviction episode kicked off with one of the co-hosts of CBS’ The Talk Jerry O’Connell, showing up as a replacement for the regular host Julie Chen-Moonves due to her coming down with a mild case of Covid.

Then, they showed footage of the latest POV (Power Of Veto) ceremony. During it, Makensy used her veto to save Angela from the eviction chopping block. Then, the current HOH (Head Of Household) Chelsie threw Quinn on the chopping block as a replacement nominee for Angela.

After that, we got conversations that took place in the house after the POV ceremony. Makensy told the Diary Room aka the private cams, “I took Angela off the block so we can get out a bigger target, and I don’t know if I can trust Quinn. I think he should go.”

Kimo told the private cams, “Quinn is deemed by the house as much bigger threat to get out.” Chelsie told the private cams, “This might be the best time to get Quinn out.” Angela told the private cams, “I’m like a cockroach. You can’t kill me.”

Quinn told the private cams, “Chelsie put me up and knows I don’t have he numbers to stay. My days are numbered.” Chelsie told the private cams, “I know it’s a game move, but my heart generally breaks for Quinn.”

Cam told the private cams, “I think Quinn or Kimo would target me. So, I’m fine with either of them going home.” Leah told the private cams, “Quinn being on the block sucks. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he stays.”

Leah told the private cams, “I’m upset with Angela because Chelsie told me she threw me under the bus.” Leah told Angela, “That really hurt my feelings,” and she started crying. Angela swore to Leah that she didn’t throw her under the bus.

Angela confronted Chlesie about the whole Leah issue. Angela told Chelsie she got her words mixed up and didn’t mean for Leah to catch any heat. Angela told the private cams, “I didn’t mean for Jess to get caught up in what I did.” Angela told Leah what she told the private cams. Leah told Angela, “I believe you.” Leah told the private cams, “I still need to use Angela to my advantage in this game.”

Quinn campaigned to Cam, Makensy and Chelsie for votes. He told Makensy that he would always be a target/shield for her moving forward. Makensy told the private cams, “I think voting out Quinn is the most logical move.” Cam told the private cams, “I feel for Quinn, but I think he’s the one to get out.”

Quinn told Chelsie, he would go after Rubina if he stayed. Chelsie told Quinn that she doesn’t know what she’s gonna do. Chelsie told the private cams,”I do see the advantage of keeping Quinn in the game.” So, Chelsie went and talked to Makensy about whether or not they should keep Quinn. They agreed that it might be better to keep Quinn to go after Rubina and that side of the house, but they were still conflicted about whether they could trust Quinn.

After all of that, the eviction nominees Quinn and Kimo gave their final plea speeches. Then, the rest of the houseguests minus the current HOH Chelsie casts their votes to evict. T’kor, Rubina, Makensy and Cam all voted to evict Quinn. Leah and Angela voted to evict Kimo. So, by a vote of 4-2, Quinn was evicted from Big Brother season 26 tonight.

Quinn gave his exit interview to host Jerry O’Connell. Quinn told Jerry, “I think that I broke a lot of people’s trust in the house. So, my word didn’t mean much. I don’t feel particularly betrayed by anyone. I just feel like Cam, Chelsie and Makensy didn’t make the best move strategically by letting that other side stay intact by keeping Kimo.” In regards to putting up one of his own alliance members for the second time, Quinn said he was hoping to build some good will with T’kor and get further in the game.

To wrap up this episode, The AI bot Ainsley told the houseguests that she’s leaving, and a different AI bot is coming later on. So, that could be interesting I guess.

They did not fit in the next, new HOH competition into the LIVE show like we were hoping. So, we’re going to have to let you know the results of it from the LIVE feeds as soon as they become available. So, look out for that report. Be sure to follow us on our official Big Brother Twitter page for the latest Big Brother news and updates by Clicking Here.

How do you guys feel about Quinn getting evicted tonight? Let us know in the comments section. Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Big Brother” TV show, recap report but definitely stay tuned for more.

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