America’s Got Talent September 24 Winner Revealed In Finale Episode (Recap)

America’s Got Talent September 24 Winner Revealed In Finale Episode (Recap)

Hey, “America’s got Talent” fans. Tonight, September 24, 2024, the very last finale results episode for America’s Got Talent’s current season 19 did indeed air, and we finally found out who won this entire thing at the end of it.

Tonight’s results episode was a 2-hour event. So, there were a couple of performances thrown into the mix before we got the final results. This episode kicked off with a performance by Sky elements Drones and Detroit Youth Choir. Host Terry Crews did a special interview segment with Olympic gymnast Simone Biles.

AIRFOOTWORKS and Steve Aoki join forces to do a special performance. Roni Sagi & Rhythm and Hakuna Matata Acrobats performed together. One of the coaches/judges of NBC’s The Voice Michael Buble hit the stage to sing the “L-O-V-E” song.

Andra Day joined Sebastián & Sonia, Dee Dee Simon and the Detroit Youth Choir to do a special performance. They sang, “Come Together” by The Beatles. Singer Richard Goodall joined guitarist Neal Schon and members of Journey to perform his audition song “Don’t Stop Believing.”

Finally, after a ton of other filler content, Terry finally revealed that Shy Elements was a top 5 vote-getter for America’s votes, and poor Brent Street was eliminated. Then, he revealed that Learnmore Jonasi made it into the top 5, and Sonia was eliminated.

He revealed that Richard Goodall made it to the top 5, and Dee Dee Simon got eliminated. He revealed that Solange Kardimaly made it into the top 5, and the Hakuna Matata Acrobats got eliminated. He revealed that Roni Sagi & Rhythm made into the top 5, and AIRFOOTWORDS got eliminated.

After all of that, Terry revealed that Learnmore Jonasi took the 5th place spot. Solange Kardinaly came in 4th place. Sky Elements claimed 3rd place. Then, to sum this whole season up, Terry revealed that Richard Goodall won this whole season, and Roni Sagi & Rhythm had to settle for the runner-up spot.

Richard Goodall took home the $1 million dollar grand prize and 2024 America’s Got Talent winner bragging rights. So, congrats to him. How do you guys feel about Richard Goodall winning this season 19 of America’s Got Talent? Let us know in the comments section.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “America’s Got Talent” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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