Survivor October 23 Voted Off Rome Cooney In A Major Blindside (Recap)

Survivor October 23 Voted Off Rome Cooney In A Major Blindside (Recap)

Hey, “Survivor” fans. Tonight, October 23, 2024, another new episode for Survivor’s current season 47 did indeed hit the air, and we saw another unlucky contestant get voted off the island in one hell of a blindside.

Tonight’s new episode kicked off with the Gata tribe, talking about the last tribal council, which sent Anika home in a major blindside. Sierra apologized to Rachel for leaving her out of the vote. Rachel told the private cams, “I feel like I’m on the bottom.” Andy told the private cams he made some good moves.

After all of that, the tribes got the note that they’re about to finally merge. After they all joined each other, they got another note, telling them they would have to do a challenge to make the merge. They were also told that they could get an advantage for it. So, they went searching for it.

During their search, Caroline figured out Sue’s idol discovery from earlier on in the season, because they stumbled upon the broken vase with red paint. Caroline told Sue she would keep her idol discovery a secret.

Rome told Sue that Kyle told him she and Caroline are weak. So, Sue told the private cams, “I want Kyle out.” Rome told Tiyana that Kyle wants to target her. She went back and told Sol what Rome told her. Sol told the private cams, “You gotta fact-check Rome.” Sol told Kyle what Rome was saying about him. So, Kyle ,of course, said he was ready to screw Rome over.

Kyle also cleared up the confusion with Sue and Caroline by saying he did’t say they were weak. Kyle told the private cams, “Rome just screwed himself.”

After all of that, host Jeff Probst showed up with a new, 2-stage challenge for individual immunity. They split them up into two teams of six. The winning team of the first challenge won a meal. The winner of the second challenge, won individual immunity. Then, all the people who survived the tribal council meeting, made it to the merge.

The yellow team consisted of: Sierra, Rachel, Sam, Sue, Kyle and Teeny. The blue team consisted of: Rome, Caroline, Andy, Gabe, Tiyana and Sol. Genevieve sat out. During the first challenge, the teams had to make it through a couple of difficult obstacles and maneuver a ball through a table maze to get it in a hole for the win. The yellow team of: Sierra, Rachel, Sam, Sue, Kyle and Teeny won it to move on to the second stage challenge.

During the second stage challenge, Genevieve joined the yellow team to compete in an endurance comp for individual immunity. During it, they had to balance a ball while standing on a narrow beam. Whoever did it the longest, won. It came down to Sue and Kyle, and Kyle won it to claim immunity.

At the immunity meal, team yellow started pitching Rome’s name out as a target. Kyle told the private cams, “Rome’s gotta go. He’s a rat. You can’t trust him for nothing.” They tossed out Andy’s name as a back up target.

Sol told the private cams, “It feels great to finally be able to take out Rome.” Meanwhile, Rome started targeting Sol by spreading false rumors about Sol being mean to him. He went on to pitch Sol’s name out as a possible target to almost everyone, and they all acted like they agreed with him to make him feel comfortable so he didn’t play an idol or something. The real plan was to still vote off Rome with Andy as the back up heading into the tribal council meeting.

At the tribal council meeting, they did some general game talk before casting their votes. Caroline and Andy played their amulet for Teeny before the votes were revealed. So, any votes against Teeny did not count.

Sam got 1 vote. Andy got 2 votes, and Rome received a whopping 6 votes. So, with the 6 votes, Rome got voted off. He said, “Wow, that hurts. Good game, guys. Thanks for the experience. It’s all love for all of you guys.” Rome hugged Jeff on the way out. Then, Jeff gave the remaining contestants their merge bandannas.

Rome told the private cams, “Well, I got blindsided. I should’ve seen it coming. That’s my only regret. I might have ruffled a few feathers. But ,hopefully, I brought a little bit of entertainment.”

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Survivor” TV show, recap report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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