New Blue Bloods November 29 Episode 17 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

New Blue Bloods November 29 Episode 17 Delayed. Not Airing Tonight

Hey, “Blue Bloods” fans. Unfortunately, we’re back in action with some terrible news tonight. It turns out that the CBS people have decided not to air the next, new episode 17 of Blue Bloods’ current season 14 tonight, November 29, 2024. We’re pretty sure that this particular delay has something to do with the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. We’re not 100 percent sure. So, don’t quote us on that.

Here’s what we do know for sure is that you’re going to have to wait an extra week before the new episode 17 hits the air. According to CBS’ official episode 17 press release, they plan to finally air the new episode 17 next Friday night, December 6, 2024 in its usual, 9 pm central standard time slot. So, certainly make a strong mental note of that if you can.

In the meantime, we did take a look at what CBS is airing instead of a new Blue Bloods episode tonight. According to the TV Guide listings, CBS is going to serve up a repeat episode of Blue Bloods. This repeat episode will be episode 12 of this current season 14 titled, “Without Fear or Favor.”

CBS’ official description for this repeat episode 12 of Blue Bloods season 14 reads like this, “Danny works with British investigator Christopher Granger to pursue an international fugitive. Erin faces pressure from her boss to secure an indictment against an officer. Jamie investigates a sports gambling website accused of scamming.”

If any of you guys happened to have missed that particular repeat episode of Blue Bloods, you might still want to flip the channel to CBS tonight to check it out. If you did already see this repeat episode, and you have no desire to watch it again, you will most certainly want to make some other plans for tonight as fast as you can, and just check back next Friday night to catch the next, new Blue Bloods episode.

Again, CBS confirmed that the next, new episode 17 of Blue Bloods’ current season 14 is scheduled to finally make its way to your TV sets next Friday night, December 6, 2024 in its usual, 9 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That is all we’ve got for this latest, “Blue Bloods” TV show report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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