New Happy’s Place January 17 Episode 11 Preview Reveals A Paranoid Bobbie And More

New Happy’s Place January 17 Episode 11 Preview Reveals A Paranoid Bobbie And More

Hey, “Happy’s Place” fans. We’re back in action with another new preview session for you guys. In this one, we’re going to take a look at what you can expect to see from the next, new episode 11 of Happy’s Place’s current, premiere season 1, which is due out tonight, January 17, 2025.

We were able to track down an official press release for this new episode 11 from the NBC people. So, we will certainly refer to it for this preview session. Let’s get into it.

For starters, there is an official title for this new episode 11. The writers decided to name it, “Heart of the Matter.” In tonight’s new episode 11, you guys are going to see Emmett turn up late for work, and that will cause Bobbie to get so friggin paranoid that she will start overreacting.

Elsewhere, Gabby and Takoda will be seen, helping Steve pick out a barstool in an effort to try and prove to him that if he changes his obsessive-compulsive activities, it would be a very good thing.

NBC’s official description for this new episode 11 of Happy’s Place’s current, premiere season 1 reads like this, “When Emmett is late to work, Bobbie becomes paranoid at the thought of why and begins to overreact. Gabby and Takoda help Steve pick out a new barstool to prove changing his obsessive-compulsive disorder habits won’t negatively impact the world.”

Again, NBC’s press release confirmed that another new episode of Happy’s Place is indeed scheduled to make it to your TV sets again tonight, January 17, 2025 in the 7 pm central standard time slot.

Alright, guys. That is a wrap for this latest, “Happy’s Place” TV show, preview report, but definitely stay tuned for more.

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