Big Brother 19 POV Winner Revealed Yesterday August 12th

Yesterday afternoon, the Big Brother 19 houseguests competed for the big Power Of Veto. They drew chips to see who would get to play. Paul and Mark’s names were drawn to play along with the HOH Alex and the nominees Jason, Elena and Matthew. This means the plan was a success to make sure Cody didn’t get to play.
Matthew ended up winning the POV. As previously reported, Matt is a third nominee on the chopping block as a result of finishing in last place in the temptation competition. If he were to use it to save himself, no one would be able to replace him. So, the plan is for Matt to use it to pull one of Alex’s nominees off the block allowing her to replace one of them with the house’s main target Cody for the big backdoor plan.
According to Big Brother Network, there was a moment where Josh tried to push for them to just go ahead and use this opportunity to get Elena out. He just will not let that go. He has it in for her.
It’s reported that some of the others were actually considering getting elena out for a brief period of time. However, Matthew was later seen confirming that he will indeed use the veto to pull Jason off the block so Alex can replace him with Cody to implement the vicious backdoor plan.
Cody should be used to it by now though because it was the same way they got him out the first time. This time, it should stick as host Julie Chen officially announced that there would be no jury battle back comp this year. Once they’re out, they will stay out. Thank God.
Getting back to the POV comp, we do have details about what it was. It was another prize swap competition. Mark finished in 5th place and got a trip for 2 to Colorado for a week. Elena won $5,000 cold hard cash. Maybe, that’ll keep her from complaining about not having money to pay her freaking rent when she gets out of the house.
Paul will have to endure a punishment that will be shared with Christmas. Alex finished in second place and will also have to endure a punishment. Jason got punished too by having to wear some goofy unitard.
So, that should provide some comedy for the TV show edit. Cody was actually seen being pretty social with everyone last night even Paul. I guess he has finally just decided to relax now that he knows his fate is definitely sealed. Maybe, if he would’ve just relaxed and socialized with everyone from the get-go, he might of played a better game.
Alright, so just to recap. Jason, Elena and Matt are currently on the chopping block. Matt won the POV. The plan is for him to use it on Jason so Alex can replace him with Cody. From there, the plan will be to vote Cody out on Thursday night. That is what we expect to see happen. So, this is going to be a pretty predictable week.
The POV ceremony is expected to take place this Monday August 14th sometime. Once that’s completed, we’ll be able to officially announce the final nominees for this week. That’s all that we got for you guys at the moment. Be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.