Big Brother 19 Kevin’s Wife Spoke Out About Jason’s Rape Joke, New Details

Big Brother 19 Kevin’s Wife Spoke Out About Jason’s Rape Joke, New Details

According to a new report from TMZ, they got a chance to speak with Big Brother season 19 contestant Kevin Schlehuber’s wife Deborah about the very offensive rape joke that contestant Jason Dent made about her this past Monday night, August 28,2017 on the Big Brother live feeds. It pretty much goes without saying that she didn’t have anything nice to say about Jason’s remarks.

For those of you who don’t yet know what Jason said. He had apparently made an extremely offensive joke about raping Kevin’s wife and making his daughters watch. According to the New York Daily News, his joke was that he would go and “f@#k his wife” and tie down his daughters to watch.

Jason was talking to other houseguests Alex Ow, Paul Abrahamian and Josh Martinez at the time. They all started laughing after Jason made the joke. Jason made the joke, saying it would be a consequence of Kevin breaking their alliance.

Deborah responded to this joke by telling TMZ, “Jason making those comments on the show’s live feed while laughing hysterically is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” She said that while her husband signed up for Big Brother and all that comes with it. She and her kids didn’t.

They also pointed out that Jason’s family has recently hopped on his Twitter account to attempt to make an apology for Jason’s joke. During their apology, they claimed the joke was taken out of context. Deborah told TMZ that’s BS because it would never cross her husband’s mind to say something so horrible.

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Kevin and Deborah have seven children. Six of them are girls. She works as a neonatal nurse in Boston. Deborah went on to tell TMZ that they’re a nice, hardworking family and she’s appalled that her husband’s season of “Big Brother” has turned so ugly mostly due to Jason.

The New York Daily News also ran this story about Kevin’s wife firing back and found the tweets that Jason’s family put out in response to this where they’re trying to apologize. Jason’s Twitter account is @BB19 Whistle-Nut. The account is set to private now. Apparently, Twitter user Big Brother Always @BigBroAlways was able to take screenshots of the tweets before the account was set to private. The New York Daily News posted the screenshots.

The tweets read like this: “slightly out of context (per the full conversation on the live feed), those remarks are not acceptable under any circumstance.”

“on the live feeds this afternoon about Kevin and his family. Although the conversation that has surfaced on twitter was taken (cont.)”

“The Whistle-Nut and Ole team sincerely apologizes on Jason’s behalf for the inappropriate comments that were said in jest (cont.)” @BigBroAlways ran a tweet saying, “Jason’s family trying to do some quick damage control after his remarks yesterday… #BB19.”

So, that’s what Kevin’s wife is calling BS on. As previously reported, Jason’s offensive rape joke made national and international headlines. So, people are taking this very seriously. Kevin was nowhere in sight when Jason said the joke.

We can only imagine how he’ll react when he watches it after he gets out of the house. Stay tuned. Also, be sure to follow us on our Big Brother Facebook page for more Big Brother news by Clicking Here.

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